CHP 63

539 59 33

For a few days everyone was taking care of bondita especially anirudh. He wouldn't let her do any work.

But yesterday only they got a letter.

It was from a group which was supposed to help them in the mission.

They wanted to meet before starting the mission.

At the first bondita and manorma wanted to go alone but the over protection Roy Chowdhury brothers didn't let them.


Three of you are going to stay quiet and let us do our work. Did you guys understand?

Bondita asked while they nodded their head like an obedient kids

Both of them went inside the cottage and discussed the plan with the leader.

They also told him about the Roy Chowdhury brothers joining in the mission.

At the first the leader was not convinced and later he to agreed after bondita told him all the good deeds anirudh did for the women.


Batuk being batuk got bored staying outside and waiting. He decided to sneak away and look around while they are inside.

As he was roaming around, he saw a beautiful garden with lots of flowers in it.


A wave of water fell over his head, drenching him completely.

"Bloody hell!" He yelled

"I am sorry... I am so sorry..." A sweet voice came skipping his hear beat

He looked in his front and found a girl probably in her twenties, looking all beautiful in a baby pink saree.

His heart again skipped a beat.

He kept his hand over his chest and thought

"There is definitely something wrong with me. My heart skipped it's beat 2 times and now it's beating so fast. I need to get it checked by som dada"

"Excuse me, who are you? And what are you doing here? Are you some thief?"

She asked raising her eyebrow while pointing a sword towards him.

"Too hot... Shut up bloody hell" he thought scolding his not so innocent thoughts

"Thief? Do I really look like a thief to you? Darling, such a handsome man looks like a thief to you?"

He asked raising his eyebrow

"Look doesn't matter, a handsome man can also be a thief" she replied

"Bloody hell! I am a zamindar for god sake. Do you think I need to rob anyone for money."

He said angrily

"How can I believe you are a zamindar? You can also lie to me." She replied

He looked at her deadly and it actually scared her.

"Listen you little girl..."

"Batuk... Priya..."

Before he could say further, they heard few voices behind them.

"Batuk what are you doing here? Are you a kid? Running around like this!" Anirudh scolded him

"Bondita didi" Priya hugged bondita while sobbing

"What the fuck! Wasn't she alright a few minutes ago" Batuk thought looking at her shocking

"What's wrong priyu?" Bondita asked hugging

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓗𝓐𝓣𝓔 𝓘𝓢 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 [COMPLETED ✅]Where stories live. Discover now