CHP 51

948 97 15

whole night suadamini was not able to sleep because of the continuous sounds of payals and laughter .

next morning ,

it was 5am and our chudail I mean suadamini didn't slept whole night she was feeling her head getting heavy and she had dark circles under her eyes , she took shower and got freshed . suadamini was roaming here and there in the room thinking about what happened last night .

"was that really bondita's ghost or I was really dreaming about it but that girl how come she knows everything about what happened between bondita and me , this girl is really suspicious I have to keep eye on her" suadamini said to herself before going towards RC haveli

in RC haveli ,

suadamini sneaks inside the haveli , everyone was sleeping as it was 5 am in morning and everyone gets up in 6am . suadamini went towards bon's room and slightly opens the door so that she can look inside the room . As soon as she looks inside the room her eyes goes wide in shock and fear , bon was flying in sky on her bed with blanket over her body , her eyes was close , hands either side of her body . Suadamini rubs her eyes to confirm what she saw but it didn't change bon was still flying in sky . Suadamini fell in ground in jerk as soon as bon looks at her , her eyes were white in color . Soon she faints in fear. When suadamini opens her eyes she found herself in mano's room , lying in bed.

"where I am" suadamini asked in faint voice

"you are in my haveli , first of all tell me what were you doing in my haveli so early in the morning haan "ksj asked angrily

soon suadamini recalls everything and sits in bed in jerk

"kaka is asking you something suadamini what are you doing here and what were you doing outside bondita's room" ani asked angrily

"Anirudh...Anirudh that...that girl that girl was flying in the sky" suadamini said stammering

"what who was flying in the sky "batuk asked narrowing his eyes

"arey that girl who's name is bondita too I saw her flying in the sky on her bed and her eyes...her eyes where white in color I am telling you something is wrong in her "suadamini said fearfully

"yes indeed something is wrong "Neha said

"look her friend is too telling the same thing now please believe in me "suadamini said

"let me first finish it, indeed something is wrong but not in bondita but in you last night also you did the same "Neha said irritatingly

"what she did last night" binoy ask before adjusting his specs

"last night she said that boudi's ghost came in her house and played with dolls then she broke the windows of her house" batuk said rolling his eyes

"but when we reached there everything was normal , the windows where also normal "mano said

"I know very well that its all her plan so that we all believes at her like we did last time and throws out bondita of this house" ksj said angrily

"no kaka please believe me that is not normal please" suadamini said to ksj

"who is not normal" bon asked before coming inside the room with a glass of lemon water while suadamini gulps in fear.

"nothing bondi , she is just out of her mind" Neha said

"yes beta don't pay attention to her" binoy said before adjusting her specs

"here lemon juice for SPECIALLY made for you "bon said before giving her the glass

"there was no need of it "suadamini said before taking the glass , her hand was shivering infear

"how come its not needed after all you are my dear PARI DIDI "bon said in such a way that the pari didi was only heard by suadamini



the votes for the horror track is decreasing , are you guys liking the track or not , if not then please tell me I will wrap it up soon . I am not a good horror story written as I am afraid of darkness and ghost . So please tell me guys I need to know about it .


don't forget to vote and comment


see you soon

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