CHP 45

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The whole day Ani tried to talk to bon but she just ignored him saying she is busy this made him very angry , how dare she ignore him. After dinner everyone went towards their room and slept .

In bon's room ,

It was midnight ,Bon was sleeping peacefully when she heard a knock on door , she got up and saw the watch

"Who is there in midnight "Bon said

Soon her eyes becomes wide when she heard two more knock that is total three knocks , she immediately got up went to open the door and saw Ani standing there before bon could say anything Ani went inside room and locked the door .

"Barrister babu what are you doing here at midnight "bon asked

Instead of answering he went towards her while she moves backward until her back hits the wall , soon Ani caged her in between his arms .

"B..barrister babu w..what are you doing" bon asked nervously

"Giving you punishment" Ani said

"Punishment but for what" bon asked

"For ignoring me the whole day "Ani said


Before bon could say anything Ani smashed his lips kissing her with passion and love , bon was shocked but  she kissed him back with same passion . Soon they broke the kiss and joined their forehead

"I told you i want to give you a surprise but you didn't came "Ani said breathlessly

And that's when bon released that she completely forgotten about it , tears started forming in her eyes , which didn't went unnoticed by Ani , he immediately cups her face

"What happened bondita" Ani asked

"I am sorry I completely forgotten about it , I got too excited meeting my best friends after so many days I am sorry barrister Babu i also ignored you whole day" bon said crying

"Shh... Bondita I know that you got excited meeting your friends so it's ok don't be sorry "Ani said wiping her tears

"You are not angry with me i forgotten about your surprise "bon said

"No not at all how can I be angry with my bondita and as for the surprise it can wait" Ani said

"You are really not angry with me "bon asked

"Yes baba "Ani said smiling

"Shoti "bon said before pinching her throat

"Haan shoti "Ani said doing the same

Bon smiles and hugs him

"I have forgiven you but you are going to get punished for ignoring me "Ani said teasingly

"What "bon said shockingly breaking the hug

Ani smriked and picks her up in his arms and took her towards the bed , lying her in bed before hovering above her . Ani kissed her forehead eyelids nose cheeks and finally captured her lips in a passionate kiss while bon was busy unbuttoning his shirt , soon his shirt was on floor , bon was caressing his chest sensually making him groaned in kiss , soon he broke the kiss and dipped his face on her neck kissing it wetly while removing her saree . Soon her saree was in floor , Ani moves towards her cleavage and kissed it wetly

"Mmm...uff anirudh" bon moans

Her moans were making him more aroused , he moves towards her bossom and bites her nipple lightly above the blouse

"Anirudh" bon moans

Ani sucks her nipple above the blouse making her arch back in pleasure after some time Ani left her and joined his forehead with her .

"Don't you dare to ignore me again otherwise your punishment will get severe "Ani said

"If this is way I am going to get punished then I am ready to do commit crime' bon said breathlessly

"Oh really" Ani asked teasingly

"Oh yeah" bon said teasing back

Ani laughs and laid beside her hugging her tightly , soon both of them drifted to sleep .



So guys here is the chapter


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

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