CHP 39

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Both were sitting quietly when they suddenly heard a knock on door .

"Who is there" bon said from inside the room

"Bahurani ji it's me bihari Malik told me to give you your breakfast "bihari said from outside the room

Bon gets up and opens the door , Bihari came inside and kept the plate on table

"Oh barrister Babu you are too here let me bring one more plate for you" bihari said

"No no bhari babu we will eat from the same plate "bon said

"Ok "bihari said

"Bihari "Ani said

"Yes barrister Babu "bihari said

"Don't tell anyone that I am in bondita's room specially to suadamini btw where is she "Ani asked

"She left long back after you went behind bahurani ji Malik yelled at her and she left" bihari said

"Did she get to know about my true identity "bon asked

"Malik was about to say when chote zamindar stopped him" bihari said

"Fine bihari go and inform everyone that no matter what happens suadamini should not get to know about bondita's true identity "Ani said

"Ok barrister Babu "bihari said before leaving

As soon as he left bon closes the door and went towards Ani sitting beside her .

"You must be hungry let me feed you" bon said

She forwarded a morsel to him but instead of eating he made bon eat it first

"It's always you before me" Ani said

Bon smiles and feed him , while eating something stuck in his mind and he kept the plate aside making bon confuse . He took a fruit slice and kept it between his teeth and leans towards bon , she smiles and took a bite of it she was about to move back when Ani pulls her by her neck and smashed his lip kissing her softly, bon was shocked at the first but soon reciprocated to the kiss , after few minutes they broke the kiss . Ani was looking at her while caressing her lips as he wasn't still satisfied with the kiss , he pulled her and made her sit on his lap holding her waist protectively . He again captured her lips into a deep passionate kiss , Ani continuously sucked her lower lip making her moan in his mouth , taking the opportunity Ani plugged his tongue inside her mouth and tasted every corner of her mouth while his hand were busy roaming in her bare waist making her shiver down spine . After 20mins of good passionate kiss they finally broke the kiss and joined their forehead breathing heavily .

"Bondita do you know that your lips are the more sweet than rosogollas" Ani said flirting

Bon blushes and hide her face on his crook of his neck .

"Bondita "Ani said softly

"Hmm" bon hummed

"You are really not angry with me right and you won't leave me right" Ani asked

"I have already forgiven you barrister Babu and how can I live without my soul ,my oxygen,my sansaar ( world ) " bon said looking at his eyes

"I am your soul , your oxygen, your sansaar "Ani asked

"Yes you were you are and you always will be my everything "bon said cupping his face

Ani hugs her tightly but soon their sweet moments got disturbed by a knock . Ani gets irritated why is everyone coming in between his romance . Bon went and opens the door only to find suadamini standing there .

"Hey you what are you doing here" suadamini asked rudely

"For your kind information it's my room and it should be me asking you that what you are doing here "bon asked

Suadamini saw Ani inside room sitting on the bed .

"Anirudh what are you doing here" suadamini asked

"Ani was about to say but before he could" bon said

"What he is doing here is none of your business" bon said

"How dare you talk to me like this" suadamini roars and was about to slap bon but she held her hand and twisted it behind her back

"Don't you even dare , I am not that little bondita whom you killed "bon said smriking

While suadamini looks at her shockingly , how did she knew about bondita .



So guys here is the chapter


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

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