CHP 65

294 35 1

2 months later,

Its been 2 month and everything was back to normal.

Neha's operation was successful and after 1 month she was discharged from hospital. Karan used to take care of everything with the help of everyone.

Karan started thinking about what bondita told him but somewhere Neha thought that he was doing all this because of guilt and it used to make her more sad.

Whereas, someone was falling in love. And that someone is none other then batuk.

That incident made him realise one thing that priya is more than what he thought she is for him. He started visiting her daily and spends some quality time with her.

He now realised why his bondita boudi said that love is unpredictable.

And as for our both the couples, they were spending their married wife blissfully until batuk decided to reveal about his feelings to everyone.

No its impossible I won't accept that girl as my daughter in law! kaka said angrily

But why kaka? batuk asked irritatingly

Why? That girl was in that kotha for 2 days who knows what happened with her there kaka said with disgust

ENOUGH kaka! you can't say like that! Nothing happened with her and even if something happened I don't care about it

After listening to his kaka, he couldn't control his anger and yelled at him.

"But I care! I have to think about my family's reputation and that girl is not perfect for our family!" Kaka yelled glaring at batuk who gripped his hair in anger

Batuk was about to yell again when bondita interrupted in between.

"Kaka sasurji if this is what you think then how can I be the perfect daughter in law? Am I not spoiling the family's reputation?"

She asked softly while Anirudh closed his eyes in frustration as he knew what exactly she was talking about

"What are you saying bahu? You are Goddess Lakshmi for this family. How can you spoil our reputation?"

He asked confused at her words

"But kaka sasuji what happened with priya, the same thing happened with me too. Infact, it happened more than that! then how am I the perfect daughter in law and not her."

Bondita asked while kaka stood there silent

"It's just about thinking kaka sasurji and I know my kaka sasurji is not that bad right? Trust me she is the best for our batuk, just give her a chance and I promise she won't disappoint you."

Bondita requested while kaka looked at everyone who were looking at him with puppy eyes

"OK FINE! Tell her to come here with her family tomorrow!" He ordered and left while batuk jumped in happiness and hugged bondita

"Thankyou boudi! you are the best! Only you know how to handle that red bull" Batuk exclaimed while she looked at him with wide eyes

"Batuk!" bondita said sternly while batuk held his ear and left from there

Kaka who was looking at everything from behind smiled at them. No matter how much strict he behaves with everyone but from inside he is a softie.


The next day,

Priya came with her parents while everyone were seated in sofa and bondita manorama neha were serving snacks to them.

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓗𝓐𝓣𝓔 𝓘𝓢 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 [COMPLETED ✅]Where stories live. Discover now