CHP 35

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"Should I tell you some stories" Ani asked

"Am I am small kid who will listen stories" bon said irritatingly

"For me ,you were, you are and you will always be my baby" Ani murmurs

Bon heard it and blushed but soon she hid her blush and pretend not to heard

"What did you say" bon asked folding her hand

"N..nothing "Ani said scratching his head

"Well you can do dance to entertain me "bon said

"What "Ani said shockingly

"Yes can't you even dance for me barrister Babu" bon asked

"Well if you tell me to do mujhras i will do that also but not here , this is hospital , i promise I will do it when reach home shotti "Ani said pinching his neck

"Don't worry barrister Babu soon i will make you that too" bon thought

"But i am bored now and I want you to dance for me right now if you can't do then forget about forgiveness "bon said smriking

"Fine i am doing "Ani said and started dancing weirdly , bon was continuously biting her lower lip to control her laugh but soon she burst into laugh

( Well you all can imagine Ani dancing weirdly )

"Hahaha....." Bon laughs

Ani stops dancing listening to her laugh , he started admiring her , how beautifully she has grown up , he just wanted to admire her each and every curve . Ani had tears in his eyes as after 10 year he finally heard his little bondita's laugh , only he knows how badly he missed her smile , before 10 year and after 10 year also he only made her cry but today he was happy because his bondita was laughing because of him . Bon stops laughing when she felt his gaze .

"W...what are you looking at" bon asked

"At you , you don't know bondita how much how much I missed your smile , I know i have always made you cry but trust me bondita from today onwards I will not let you shed a tear from your eyes , i will be the reason of your smile and for even that if i have to do all these weird things then i am ready to do it "Ani said smiling

He again started dancing weirdly while bon looks at him in admiration , she again started laughing , while bon too laughs , everyone was watching them from the door as there was a round glass , they were admiring them while prays for their well being .

Soon bon gets discharged from hospital , mano was holding bon by her shoulder , they were about to enter when ksj stopped them .

"What happened kaka why did you stopped us "Ani asked

"Arey let me first do aarti of my bahu , she came back from dead today "ksj said before doing aarti

After that bon came inside the haveli

"Bondita beta go to your room and rest manorma take her "binoy said before adjusting his specs

Mano was about to take her when Ani stopped her

"Manorama you must be tried let me take her to room "Ani said


"Let him do mano di after all he took my responsibility of taking care of me until I get well" bon said

Mano nods and Ani takes bon to her room

In bon's room,

Ani made her sit properly in bed and was about to leave when bon stopped him

"There is something i want to do "bon said smriking





So guys here is the chapter


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

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