The Big Tease (Pt.2)

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You gather the paper documents for the wedding collection proposal and put them safely away in a portfolio, and leave it on his desk. Jimin, on the other hand, contacted his secretary, telling her to cancel a few of his appointments because some urgent matter came up and he won't be able to attend the meetings today.

After everything was situated, both of you left his office, heading down the hallway to the elevator. He pressed the button on the side of the elevator door and studied your posture. "I hate seeing her like this--- she deserves better," Jimin tells himself as he looks upon you with concern. The elevator bell dinged and broke him out of his chain of thoughts. "You first, my lady..." He grabs your hand and lets you inside the lift first. He follows behind you, presses the button to the desired floor for the parking structure. His back is planted against the cold metal panel as he looks at you.

You texted your fiancee to remind him of the appointment both of you have to attend. You've been sending him reminders for the past week, and he has not answered any of your calls or text. Frustrated and full of anxiety, you gripped your phone tight in your hands..~ trying your best not to tear up in front of Jimin. He wanted to hold you in his arms so bad, but he refrained from doing so. Just then, the bell dinged, and the door opened for the elevator.
He put his hand on the mid of your back, guiding you to his car. Jimin opens the door for you letting you in the passenger seat before closing the door behind you.

As Jimin was driving..~ you texted and called Seokjin for the last time. The call went straight to voicemail, and the text was never answered. Complete utter silence from Jin, and you were about to cave in and cry--- till Jimin politely grabbed your hand and caressed the top of it with his thumb. "You know, noona, I'm always here for you whenever you need me. If you need to cry, let it out. Don't be afraid to share anything with me..~ I..." The words I love you were about to slip out of his mouth, but he withholds his true feelings he has for you. He knows it's not the moment to do so, and he respects that, but if things don't get better between you and Seokjin, he will be there for you and be able to express his love more freely.

The tears start to roll down your face like a waterfall. You tightened your grip on Jimin's hand. "I will always be here for you, noona. I'm just a phone call or text away... I'll drop anything that I'm doing so I can be your support." He takes a glance at you as a sweet smile forms on his lips. "Thanks, Jimin, for all that you do. Your friendship, love, and kindness--- are appreciated." He parked the automobile in the roundabout in front of your relationship counselor's building. You unfasten your seatbelt and exit his vehicle. "Remember, noona; I'm a phone call away. Please don't shy away from me now..~ok?!" You gave him a warm smile. "I won't shy away, I promise." You shut the car door and make your way into the medical office building. Jimin watches over you as you slowly fade from his sight. "I know I'm being selfish for saying this..." He sighs--- and continues. "But... I want your toxic relationship with Jin to end so you can build a healthy relationship with me." Jimin drives off and heads home.

Part 3 coming soon!!!

Part 3 coming soon!!!

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