When Jimin got up he told Taehyung he was going to have a private meeting with Amaya. “If anyone asks tell them I went to get some fresh air.” Taehyung agreed to cover for him while he talked to Amaya.
Jimin slipped out of the hotel and got into the car and drove to the restaurant to meet her. He wanted to get the dirt on Sohee. Both Taehyung and Y/N told him that Amaya knows everything.
He didn't want Sohee to hurt Y/N more than she already did. Sohee already fractured their relationship once, he wasn't about to lose his precious love again.
He parked the car and headed into the restaurant. The host took him to the private room where he met Amaya. They greeted each other and sat down to talk. The waitress comes in with tea and puts it on the table, then leaves.
After the waitress left they begin to talk. “Both Taehyung and Y/N said you know more about the situation regarding Sohee and Y/N's disappearance?” He took a sip of his tea and continues, “What did Sohee do to make her leave?”
Amaya looked at Jimin and spoke, “Before we get into details you must keep everything confidential. If my uncle found out that I told you he will be very disappointed in me.” Jimin, “I won't say a word, I just need details on what happened though.”
Amaya explained to Jimin all the charges against Sohee. Blackmail, stalking, embezzlement, fraud, and harassment with the intent to kill.
“What the hell?!? Intent to kill?!? I can't believe this shit!” Amaya, “What I say is truth, me and Y/N have been helping my uncle collect more evidence on Sohee. His first red flag was money went missing from the company.”
She paused and continued, “So he kept an eye on all the management and other staff. Finally, he hit gold... It was Sohee. Just so happened that is the day Sohee blackmailed, fired, and escorted Y/N to the airport the day of her disappearance.”
Jimin, “What kind of things?” Amaya showed him legal documents of evidence. All expenses paid for her sasaeng friends to stalk Jimin and the rest of the guys on tours and in their private time.
Expensive cameras and spy equipment. Been giving them cash to keep tabs on you and Y/N. Threatening both of your lives if she continued to see you.
Jimin retorted, “What is Sohee's motive? Why is she hurting me and Y/N...~ for kicks?” Amaya spoke up, “Apparently Sohee is in love with you, and she wants Y/N out of the picture. Y/N wouldn't leave you at first until she threatened your life.”
Jimin, “Well I don't love that bitch for sure! BUT after Y/N disappeared, Sohee kept trying to push herself on me. It was so fucking irritating. I told her many times I love Y/N, BUT she doesn't seem to get the hint.”
Amaya shook her head in disbelief, “That girl has no shame and lost her fricking mind.” Jimin chuckled, “You damn skippy she has a few screws loose.”
Amaya made him watch videos and listen to voice recordings. The one recording was the day she blackmailed you and threaten not only your life but his. Jimin stopped the recording it was too much for him. All kinds of emotions ran through his head.
He was sick to his stomach that you went through the pain alone. He couldn't help you when you needed him most, because you were busy protecting him.
“My baby will be in the audience tonight at the concert. Will she be safe from harm?” Jimin spoke in a concerned tone. “Yes, she will be safe, Sohee's friends got arrested before boarding their plane to Las Vegas. They are already turning on Sohee to get lighter sentences.” Amaya smiled at him as she took a sip of her tea.
Jimin, “As for Sohee when will she be arrested?” Amaya folded her arms as she answered, “After tonight's concert she will be arrested, charged, and escorted back to Korea by police.” Jimin breathes a sigh of relief.
Amaya spoke in a concerned tone, “I know this is a lot to take in, I'm sorry both of you had to go through this. You got two more concerts to perform keep your focus on that.” Jimin nodded his head in agreement.
After having breakfast with Amaya, Jimin thanked her. He left the restaurant first. Shortly thereafter, Amaya left as well.
As Jimin drove back to his destination he couldn't help but think about all the information he was told. Now he fully understood why you left. It wasn't because you wanted to, it was to protect him.
Jimin was debating whether to go back to the hotel or see you. He wanted to hold you so bad, he couldn't wait till concert time. He made a U-turn and went in the direction of your home.
“Even if just a little while, I need to see my baby girl.” He smiled and licked his lips as he made it to your residence. He parked his car in your driveway and proceed to the front door. He rang the doorbell.
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