Yoongi chuckled and smirked at the two of you. He couldn't believe what he had captured with his eyes. A picture-perfect moment of You and Jimin making out. “Sorry to interrupt your precious time together, but eomma wants to speak with you, sweet baby sister of mine. Jimin, I need to talk to you privately as well. Some urgent matters arose that need to be settled immediately.” Before letting you go, Jimin pressed his lips on your forehead. “Go see what your mom wants, Princess. I'll be down shortly with your brother.” He tucks your hair behind your ear as he sweetly smiles at you.
You left both of them there on the balcony making your way down the grand staircase to see what your mom needs to speak with you about. A text message came in on your phone. “Oh shit, it's Layla. She must have something on Seokjin this time.” You screamed internally.
Layla: Urgent, we need to talk. Come over and stay the night at my house.
You replied: Be there shortly. I'm taking care of some urgent matters, myself. I'll tell you in detail when I get to your place.
You put your phone back in your purse and made your way down to your mother. It's still a bit odd switching from calling her Aunt Hanbyeol to eomma, but you will have to get used to it since she is your biological mother. You start to tear up thinking about the situation. You made your way over to the sofa where your mother was waiting for you. You sat down beside her. She reached out and cupped your hand in both of hers. Tears start to fall from her eyes. “I know this is a shock for you. At least I got to see you from time to time. The way your mom loved you as her own was a beautiful thing to watch. At least I knew you were well-taken care of, it left my heart at ease.” She caresses your cheek. “ I know I can't take the place of your mom and dad. But I really would like us to become close one day as you were with your mom.” She kisses your cheek and softly smiles. “Eomma...” You still felt awkward calling your Aunty by that name.”I will consider moving in with Yoongi and you after getting things situated with Seokjin, the man I am supposed to marry.” You sighed and held her hand tight. ”It was a selfless act you did for my mom, who couldn't conceive. I'm very grateful if it weren't for you carrying me in your womb..~ I wouldn't be here today. Thank you so much, eomma.”
In the meantime, Yoongi and Jimin were having a conversation in his home office. Yoongi sits at his desk, and Jimin is seated in the chair in front of it. Both of them get comfortable before having that private talk about you. ”Well, something very interesting came up concerning Jin.” Yoongi pulls out a portfolio and lays all the pictures on the desk. “Is he fooling around with all ten of these women?” Jimin felt disgusted by this information. Nine of the women are confirmed as play toys for Seokjin. “Who is the tenth woman?” Jimin asked with a perplexed look on his face. “It seems this beautiful lady right here has been tailing Jin too.” Yoongi rubbed his chin. “I wonder who wants him tagged and bagged besides us? It seems that a lot of people don't trust him. “It's inevitable that he can't be counted on.” “Well, what's next... How will you tell, Y/N noona about this?!” Jimin's worry was you getting more hurt than you already are. “I'm figuring that out as I go. She has been through so much in just one day. It's ridiculous!” Yoongi rubs his tempos. “Well, I'll try and help her keep everything in perspective.” Yoongi retorted. “Make sure you keep your hands to yourself, bro... Well, until Jin is out of the picture.”
Jimin knew he couldn't keep his hands off of you, not after him telling you the truth and the extracurricular activity that happened just a while ago. “Yoongi hyung, she already knows I love her. I told her before you caught us making out.” Yoongi smiled and winked. “Well, that's fine by me. I told you many times I only trust you with my baby sister.” He sighed. “But remember what's happening in her life right now. Take it slow.” Jimin nodded in agreement. “I won't promise you anything on how slow or fast our relationship will go from here on out. But I will try my best to control myself around her.” Yoongi and Jimin left his office to meet you and your mom downstairs. Shortly after you and Jimin left the Min Estates.
Part 9 coming soon!!!
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