On the way to Layla's house, Jimin stole glances of you. To have you as his..~ is all he ever wanted, and knowing that you felt the same way made it better. He was on cloud nine, and yet at the same time, he knew he had to be cautious for a little while.
You couldn't avoid taking sweet little glimpses at him —the way he gave rise to the feelings inside of you drove you crazy. You knew that you had to keep this relationship on the down-low till things with Seokjin were over so you could move on.
You softly smile as you dote on him. He is your happy place in this crappy circumstance even though you lost the two precious people in your life, your mom and dad. You gain three more who love and support you through anything.
You leaned toward him, resting your hand on his thigh. Jimin pulled up to Layla's residence. It was secluded with no neighbors in sight. “Is this place safe?” He asks in a concerned tone. “Yes, it's a safe place, babe. You don't have to worry.” You said calmly. Both of you exited his car and headed to the front entrance of Layla's home. You knocked on the door, and your best friend opened it.
You introduced Layla to Jimin. They shook hands, and she let both of you in. “I have heard so much about you over the years, Jimin. It's nice to meet you finally after all this time.” Layla spoke as she smiled at you both. You shyly smiled at Layla as Jimin lifted his brow and smirked at you in a teasing manner. Layla shook her head and grinned before leading you both to her study.
All of you sat around a table with portfolios and a voice recorder that lay on them. “Before we get started, is it, ok sis, for Jimin to be present?” Layla had to ask because everything was confidential. “Yes, it's alright!” You glance at Jimin as Layla looks at both of you. “Ok, cool, let's start...”
She grabs the first portfolio and opens it up—the nine women who Jimin saw earlier that Yoongi showed to him. He took his eyes off the photos and looked up at Layla.
“Omg! She is the tenth woman in the picture that Yoongi showed me.” He spoke under his breath. Jimin took a glance at you, and he understood you were bothered by what you saw. He put his hand on your knee to remind you he was there with you.
“Well, eight of the nine women in these pictures are his playthings, but the ninth woman is Ms. Han Chaekyung, who he has been with for many years.” She paused to make sure you were okay.
”These documents are of money he siphoned from your mom's flower shop and art studio. However, he did not take funds from her most lucrative business, her architect company.”
“THAT ASSHOLE!!!” You screamed. Layla proceeded on. “When Jin took the funds from the art studio and flower shop. The money was wired to Ms. Han's account. She isn't just his girlfriend. She is his accomplice.”
Your anger started to thicken, a lump built in your throat as your words got tangled in it. “Please continue. Tell me everything.”
Layla nodded and went on. “We were able to obtain surveillance footage from your mother's caretaker, who hid the original footage from Jin. She was afraid he would hurt her family, for he had threatened her before. When you were busy at work, Seokjin was caught in the act of poisoning her. We will need your permission to exhume your mother's body to see what type of chemicals he put in her system. So we can put a murder charge to his rap sheet.”
At that point and time, you lost it. Your mom could have lived a bit longer if he hadn't poisoned her. Jimin and Layla had to calm you down. How could he have taken away someone that was your world? The whole relationship was a lie from the start. How could you have fallen for this evil man? You were sickened to the core.
Finally, you came to grips so that Layla could resume. “Jin's story of his life is false. He wasn't from a middle-class family. He was an orphan who was left on the doorstep of a church. Ms. Han came from the same orphanage as Seokjin did. That is how they met and have been with each other since.”
Layla, let you and Jimin listen to a recording of Jin and Chaekyung talking about how to siphon money from your mom's architect company. How he told her he never loved you, that it was a scheme to get money from you because you were well off.
You got nauseous as you heard and watched video surveillance of Jin. Your relationship meant nothing to him from day one. You helped him out and stuck by his side for five years, and you got zilch in return. That put the final nail in the coffin for you. To you, Kim Seokjin was a dead man walking.
You signed an agreement to have your mom's body exhumed for further testing—everything set in motion to put Jin in prison for a long time. You couldn't wait to tell him there wasn't going to be a wedding since the relationship both of you had was a sham. All you want is for him to suffer for the rest of his life for ruining yours.
Layla took you and Jimin to the room you would spend the night. After she departed, Jimin locked the door. You sat on the bed and sobbed. He kneeled in front of you, wiping your tears away. “Baby, remember I'm always here for you, and I'll support you, and we will get through this catastrophe together. I love you, Princess.” He kissed your soft lips.
“I love you too, Ji baby...” You pressed your edges on his forehead. “Let's go to bed. We had a long day.” He spoke in a sweet voice as he caressed your cheek.
You and Jimin settled in bed. Both of you are facing each other your arm snakes around his torso while your hand gently strokes his back. Jimin tucks your hair behind your ear...~ then he softly touches the side of your face.
His hand drifts to your derriere, squeezing it. When your lips parted, he laid out a short, sweet passionate kiss. Shortly thereafter, both of you fell asleep in each other's embrace.
Part 11 coming soon!!!
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