The Big Tease (Pt.11)

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Morning arrived, and Jimin got a series of missed calls and a text from Yoongi. He opened the text and read it...

Yoongi: Yo, bro, where you're at? And where is my baby sister?
I have been to your residence and called your place of work, and both of you are nowhere to be found. Call me as soon as you get this message.

Jimin was still a bit groggy as he put his phone back on the nightstand. He looked at you, still in his arms, sleeping like a baby. He pressed his lips on your forehead and your luscious edges. He knew you were tired, so he let you be. Jimin made his way to the bathroom in the room you both stayed in for the night.

He freshens up and then makes a call to Yoongi.

Jimin: Hey Yoongi hyung, what's up?

Yoongi: Nothing much, just was wondering where you and my baby sister stayed the night.

Jimin: We are at her friend Layla's house. I stayed here because it was late and it's a two and a half hour drive back home.

Yoongi: Hmmm, okay... The sound of your voice tells me you have more to say.

Jimin: You know me well, hyung. I'll leave you with this info. Your baby sister's friend Layla is the mysterious woman in the picture you showed me last night.

Yoongi: Mmm, I'm very interested in what you found. Shall we meet?

Jimin: Sure, meet me at my estate at noon, and I'll fill you in then, okay.

Yoongi: Sounds good. Hence I'll see you soon.

They ended the call, and Jimin made his way back to you. He dotes on you as you sleep. “I love you so much, Princess. I'm your knight in shining armor, your confidant, and your lover. You're the only one for me, my love.” He kisses your lips one last time before he leaves the room.

As Jimin exits the bedroom, he bumps into Layla. Both of them head to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and a bagel. “How is Y/N doing?” Layla asked Jimin. “Yesterday was a long day with a lot of twists and turns. She is sleeping in at the moment.” He replied.

“That's good. She needs it after what I've dumped on her in one sitting.” Layla took a bite of her bagel. “She found out yesterday that her mom wasn't her biological mother. That Mrs. Min was her birth mom through surrogacy and Yoongi her half-brother.” He sighed... “And if I weren't there at the medical center to pick her up, that bastard Seokjin would have choked her unconscious.” He took a sip of his coffee.

“That explains the markings on her neck. Good, I have to get it documented and add it to Seokjin's rap sheet.” Layla responded. “By the way, what do you do for a living?” He focused on her as she spoke. “I'm a detective based out in the US and have a business handling surveillance equipment.” She replied.

“That explains how tracked Jin. Excellent work, Detective.” Both of them chuckled. “Well, now you know a little of my background. What is your story?” Layla smiles, waiting to hear his brief description of his life. “I'm a fashion designer for my father's company that I will inherit one day. The Min family and my family have been together forever, it seems.”

They share a laugh. “Well, me, my two sisters, and Y/N grew up together. I'm the eldest sibling, and Y/N is the age of my youngest sister. We all have one thing in common. We all are biracial, with one parent of Korean ethnicity.”

“That's awesome! I would like to know what Y/N has told you about me?” Jimin eagerly awaits a response. “Every single trip to Korea, we heard a story about you. She was and still is in love with you. But life dealt her a bad hand in her adult years. I believe you are the key to healing her.”

After that brief conversation, Jimin's heart was at ease in leaving you there with Layla. He went on that two and a half hour drive back home feeling content. Upon arrival at his residence, he was tired. He lazily made his way to the sofa and fell asleep.

Finally, you awoke, and Jimin wasn't there. You took a much-needed shower. Shortly after, you made your way downstairs, and Layla sat on the sofa. She motioned for you to come to sit next to her. So you sat beside her. “Good morning!” both of you said in unison, as a chuckle rang out from both your mouths.

“Have some fruit, sister. You have been out cold for a while.” She shoves a strawberry in your mouth as you yawn. You laughed and nearly choked on the fruit. “Yeah, yesterday was a day full of excitement. Not for the faint at heart.” You popped a grape in your mouth.

“I have to ask, that handprint on your neck. Who does it belong to?” You sighed..~
“Jin and I argued in the parking lot of the medical building, and he choked me. Jimin saved me if he wasn't there. I could only imagine what would happen.”

Layla had a concerned look on her face. “Has Seokjin laid his hands on you before?” You looked her straight in the eyes. “No, this was the first time.” She held your hand as she spoke. “I will document this incident and get clearance to get CCTV of that event. I want to get as many charges on him as possible.”

“Yes, let's do that. But I have to ask..~ You are a detective based abroad, how will you obtain a search warrant?” You were curious how things would play out. “It seems police in Korea are out to get him as well. They are cooperating. So it is easier to get things done.” You didn't want to ask what he was going down for in Korea. You could care less. So long he gets put away for murdering your mom.

Meanwhile, Jimin was freshly out of the shower waiting for Yoongi to arrive. A few minutes later, he heard a knock on the door. “Hey, what's up, hyung! How was your day so far?” He said in a cheerful voice. “Doing well.”
He shot off his gummy smile.
Both of them make their way to the kitchen. They sit across from each other in the breakfast nook.

“So now I'm intrigued by what you have to tell me. But I also have some information to share with you.” He takes a sip of his water. “Alright, you first hyung.” Jimin retorted. “Well, it seems that Seokjin has been getting in hot waters with the law here, with a woman named Han...” Jimin finishes Yoongi's sentence. “Ms. Han Chaekyung.”

Yoongi had a shocked expression glued to his face.
“Wait a minute, how did you know?” Jimin answered. “The mysterious woman that your men took of was Layla. Your baby sister's best friend from the US, who is a detective and working exclusively to extradite Jin for murdering her mom and siphoning funds for two of her three businesses.”

Yoongi screamed!!! “What the fuck?!? He killed Aunty Eunji?!? I can't believe this shit!!! This mother fucker!!!”
Jimin cleared his throat.
“Yes, he was poisoning her every time he went to visit Aunty alone while your sister was at work. She was already bedridden and had a caretaker when this happened. He threatened her and her family, and she fled. She submitted the video surveillance that incriminated him. His charges keep piling up.”

Yoongi pounded his fist on the table, still fuming by what he heard. “My baby sister, how is she doing?” ”She is still trying to process things. My poor baby, it hurts to see her in so much pain. I told Layla to tell her that she could take off work as long as she needed to.”

Yoongi tried to calm down, but he was failing miserably. “See if you can get Layla and my baby sister to come and talk with us and eomma. It's time everything is laid out on the table. So things go smoothly for my sister.” Jimin agreed to tell you about meeting up with Yoongi and your mom.



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Part 12 coming soon.

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