Weeks passed and like clockwork, Amaya will call and pester you about going to the BTS concert in Vegas all expenses paid by her front and center seats for you and her baby sister.
It was a week till the concert and you finally gave in to her persistent demands on you being there. You were nervous as hell as it got closer to the concert date.
However, you didn't know why she wanted you there so bad knowing the situation between you and Jimin.
BTS made an appearance at the award show there so they were already in town. Amaya asked you to meet her at a five-star restaurant in the heart of sin city.
The host took you to a private dining area. You opened the door and closed it behind you. When you finally looked towards the table you saw Jimin.
Your heart dropped to the floor you didn't know how to respond, you froze like you saw a ghost.
“Come and have a seat noona baby.” He smiled as he spoke in his sweet voice. You politely bow and make your way to your chair and sat down across from him.
Still lost in your thoughts, Jimin spoke. “Long time no see, how have you been?” You slightly smiled at him, “Been busy designing clothes, doing photography, and being a stylist for celebrities here in the US.” He nodded his head as the waiter took the order for your meal.
Jimin was just as nervous as you were but never faltered. He was cool as a cucumber and you were a bit intimidated by it. So many questions whizzing through your head that you needed answers to but you held it in.
“How have you been, Jimin?” He looked at you affectionately, “First of all the pandemic was a bitch, boring as hell... But we were able to get things done through that troubled time that help us and army cope with the situation.”
He grabbed your hands and kissed the top of each one. “I miss you, baby, I want you back in my life. It's been pure hell not having you by my side.” You tried to pull your hands away from him, only to have him grip them even tighter.
“You know we can't be together... it's not good for your career as an idol. Now please let's just enjoy the meal.” Your eyes start to water as he slowly released the grip from your hands. The waiter came in with the order.
Jimin gazed at you and noticed you had the promise ring he gave you before you vanished out of his life. Maybe he has a chance to convince you to come back to Korea. He told himself.
All he knows is he wants you back now and nothing will change his mind. Honestly, you were crumbling fast in his presence. How you want to hold him in your arms so that the pain goes away. You knew if you do it will bring you nothing but more pain in the end.
You played with the food on your plate, shuffling it around barely eating anything. Jimin was well aware of how you act when something is bothering you. He brought his plate and drink to your side of the table and placed them next to you.
He sat in the seat by you. He made you face him as he spoke gently to you, “What's bothering you, baby?” You looked at him in his eyes. “This, this right here isn't right. A secret meeting, what if you get caught? Are you willing to sacrifice your career for a relationship with me?” He hesitated, “I get the picture, you can't so let's just end it here.”
You grabbed your bag and hightailed it out of there leaving him alone with his thoughts. You went to your car, shutting the door behind you. With your purse in your lap, you pound the steering wheel as you screamed and cried.
Jimin wasn't doing any better when he entered his vehicle, he cried “You were the one who vanished without a trace. What am I supposed to believe?!? FUCK I LOVE YOU, BABY!!!” He grabbed his phone and looked at a selca that both of you took the night before you exited his life. “I promise before I leave here I will make you mine again.”
After you calmed down you drove home. Meanwhile, upon reaching the hotel. Jimin called Amaya asking for your number and address. He had to see you or hear your voice. He called you up, it went straight to voice mail.
He texts Amaya to see if she knows your whereabouts. She replied you were home, she just got off the phone with you. He punched in your address to the GPS and was on his way to visit you.
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