Two months had passed at the speed of light. Layla's baby sisters, Lia and Lacy, came to Korea for Jewel Designs Wedding Collection Fashion Show to watch the surprise proposal between Yoongi and Layla.
They arrived a week early, enough time for all the girls to catch up on gossip. It's been a while since all of you saw each other. The room was loud with hints of alcohol—no men in sight, just the four of you having the time of your lives.
Lacy looks at Y/N as she swirls her wine glass around before taking a sip. “So, how are things with Jimin moving along?” You smiled. “We are doing well. Life with him is beautiful to witness and live out.” Lia added. “That's awesome, but I want to know who is the dom in this relationship?”
The laughter in the room exploded as four tipsy women had their little pow-wow. “Gawd! Lia, not even three hours on Korean soil, and your kinky ass is having a dom and sub —Q & A.” Layla spoke before sipping her wine. Everyone chuckled as Lacy choked on her shot of tequila.
“It's equally played out by the both of us, you nosy freak.” You rolled your eyes at Lia as you giggled with delight. “That's what you get, chicken!” You retorted. “Chicken, wtf are you talking about, Lia?” Lacy put her two cents in. “Remember the night before you left for Seoul, Korea. We played truth or dare.” Lia interrupted Lacy. “Your dare was taking nudes, and it never happened. It's been five years overdue. You owe Jimin those pics now.” She winked and smirked at you. While Layla and Lia mouthed off their ‘Oooooh's and Ahhhhh's!’
Layla spoke up. “Well, baby sis Y/N. Jimin surprisingly gave you a week to spend with us. He promised he wouldn't bother you.” She briefly paused to take a jello shot of Grey Goose. “He won't be seeing you for a week. Lia retorted. “He will be thirsty as fuck.” Lacy added. “Send him the nudes before we walk into the fashion show and watch him squirm.” You took three shots of patron and a jello shot of Grey Goose to ease the burn in your throat. “Alright, you got me..~ I'll do it!”
You and the girls head to bed because tomorrow all of you are going to the mall to shop. You had fun with your girls, and you were way past tipsy. A call came in on your phone.
You: Hey babe, how are you?
Jimin: I miss you like crazy, and day one hasn't ended yet.
You: I miss you too, baby. How are things holding up at Jewel?
Jimin: Everything is fine. You keep Layla and her sisters busy.
You: Will do...will do —my love.
Jimin noticed towards the end of the conversation, you were majoring in talking bubbles. He knew you were way past buzzed. He laughed to himself and was amused by your behavior.
Jimin: I love you, Princess. Have a good night.
You: I love you too, my kinky ass flirty tease.
Before hanging up, he heard a thud, so he stayed on the line just a while longer to find out what was going on. You retorted. “Fuck! Lia, you hoe! I tripped over your dildo.” You and Lia start to laugh out loud. Jimin crackled as he listened in to your drunken mumbo jumbo.
Shortly after, he hung up the phone when he heard your little snore and hiccups. “My goodness, what is going on there? Drunk, dildo, butt plugs, strap-ons? What the hell?!?” His imagination is running wild. Jimin called up Yoongi and told him what had happened.
Yoongi busted a gut laughing and told Jimin. Lia is a flight attendant, a freelance photographer, and she sells adult toys on the side. Jimin rolled on the floor, laughing by learning the inside juice on Lia.
After Jimin ended the call with Yoongi, he looked at his lock screen, which you picture adorned. “I know you are still a bit upset that I haven't proposed to you yet, but our time is approaching soon, baby girl. I love you so much and miss you as well.”
He traces his fingertip on your lips before kissing your picture on his phone. Jimin fell fast asleep, holding tight to his body pillow..~ wishing it was you by his side instead.
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