Trishelle and Y/N got ready and went down to the venue where the concert was being held. The two of them did the same routine as the first concert. It was soundcheck time.
The guys were on stage doing their thing, having fun in between being serious and making sure everything was in tip-top shape for the show.
Jimin was making you laugh with the cute little things he did on stage, he was happy again and that was all that matters to you. When he stood, front and center on the stage and decided to sit down crossing his legs.
You noticed the purplish markings that you placed on his neck this morning. He wasn't covering it up. He usually did in the past so it caught you off guard.
You sat there and pondered as you look at Jimin with loving eyes. What if Armies noticed the markings on his neck? What will they think? Will they hate him for being in a relationship? Will they support him in his happiness?
Oh, gawd and when the Armies take pics of him tonight and notice it, for sure it will be all over social media. All the questions and thoughts wreak havoc on your mind making you anxious. Well, he seems ok with showing them off you should be too, you thought to yourself.
Just so happen you had a notification on your phone that chimed. It was one of your friends sending you a post through dm on Twitter. It was a pic of Jimin with the little love bites cascading down his neck.
You gasped when you read the thread. Some armies defended Jimin if he has a girlfriend they are okay with it and the other half was totally against it.
Some had their delulu theories that the hickeys were from some of the other members of BTS. You knew it was from you, so that was insane for them to even think up something so stupid.
You put your phone in your bag trying not to think about what you just saw. You focused on Jimin and slowly but surely that uneasy feeling went away.
Jimin gazed at you, eyes hooded as he saw a hint of what was under your mini skirt before your crossed your legs.
His devilish grin shone on his face as he licked his lips. You focused on him as you wink, biting your bottom edge. You knew that is one of the signals he gives you when he needs some sexual healing.
You teased him a bit unfolding your legs. Leaving them open for a few seconds, he nearly foamed at the mouth. Jimin slowly threw his head back.
Trying his best not to catch a hard-on, he lost the battle as you saw him pop a tent in his sweat pants. You covered your legs with your jacket after you completed your mission.
Taehyung bent down and spoke in Jimin's ear, “Hyung, time to go backstage and get ready for the concert.” Jimin nodded in agreement and left with Taehyung. Amaya met them backstage.
Amaya spoke in an excited tone, “You ready to get dressed up for the show?” Both men hummed in approval and smiled at Amaya.
Amaya folded her hands as she spoke to Jimin, “So how does Y/N look tonight?”He smirked, “My baby is sexy as always.”
Tae chuckled, “Already thinking sexual?” Jimin lightly punched Taehyung's arm, “Yep! Can't help it, she is beautiful and damn! Can I just do her on stage?”
Amaya's eyes widen to Jimin's naughtiness, “Whoa easy there cowboy! You have a lot of time to get busy with the love of your life since you are an item again.”
Jimin jokingly said, “What do you mean again? We were always together even though we lived miles away. Nothing and NO ONE can keep me away from my true love.”
Sohee eavesdropped on their conversation as they walk through the corridor. She starts to cry and ran off somewhere backstage. “No...No!! Jimin is mine!” She said to herself as she ran through the corridor in the opposite direction.
She had nobody to call, wondering why her friends didn't show up to do something to you in Vegas they had the seats right behind you that she purchased with the money she stole from the company. Why wasn't Y/N murdered yet?
Sohee talked to herself as she sat down in a niche in the corridor wall. She had her knees placed in her chest arms securing them as she rock back and forth.
Little did she know that her time of joining them in prison is knocking at her door. Time is ticking and Sohee will get the one-way ticket to hell for her sins. She was thinking about how to get Jimin alone, so she could talk to him.
She didn't know that the big boss alerted all the staff and managers that were there in Vegas about her situation to keep a close eye on her. Sohee was running out of options fast. All the paperwork was done for her to be arrested.
Tonight will be the last night she smells freedom. Vegas Metro PD was set up to arrest her at the hotel after the concert. The big boss wanted to keep it discrete and out of the spotlight.
After the chaos and drama, backstage happened. It was showtime and BTS poured their all on stage tonight. Your man was looking so hot and sexy. You wanted to attack him on stage. When he lifts his shirt, his creamy abs looked delicious. You wanted to lick every brick.
Three hours of seven sexy men on stage. You almost didn't want it to end. BUT in the same breath, you couldn't wait to hold Jimin in your arms and kiss his plump lips. Still wondering where he will have you tonight.
After the concert was done they went backstage. When the Armies left, you and Trishelle were escorted by Seohyun the staff security to meet up with everyone.
Jimin saw you, Trishelle, and Seohyun walking through the corridor. He ran to you, hugging you tight as he enraptured you in a passionate kiss. Jimin whispered in your ear, “I need you now.”
You could feel his bulge pushing against your womanhood. He let go of the hug, winking..~ licking his lips as a devilish smirk pierce the canvas of his handsome face. You knew by his actions he was going to get you before leaving the venue.
Sohee couldn't stand the sight of you and Jimin together. She didn't know what to do and was at her wit's end. She tried to get Jimin's attention, BUT he made it as if she didn't exist. Which ate her up on the inside. She couldn't handle it and nearly burst at the seams.
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