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𝐴 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐...
The warm summer breeze blew across his face as he got closer to the woman and her children.
He could hear the laughter of the youngsters. Jimin looked up and smiled as he heard the kids giggle as their mother chase them around with a water gun shooting them.
To think he missed all this time with his children. This could have been him and Lily with their offspring. Having a beautiful day under the sun.
“My wishful thinking is going to lead me to a broken heart.”
He wavered to and fro with his emotions.
“Enough Jimin!”
He told himself as he edged closer to the woman who had her back turned to him.
“Her backside resembles Lily's.”
“Enough Jimin... Stop getting your hopes too high.”
He rambled on as he worked his way behind the woman.
“It's a beautiful day isn't Miss?”
He politely spoke as the woman slowly turned around.
“Oh yes, it sure is sir.”
Her eyes trail from his feet to the man's head.
Lily thought she was hallucinating when she saw his face. Her heart sunk to the pit of her stomach as her tongue froze.
Jimin couldn't believe what he just encountered. His teenage sweetheart who he hasn't seen in ages set right before him.
He could barely speak... He didn't even try.
When their eyes locked a whole range of emotions swept through their bodies.
“Lily” ..... “Jimin” They spoke in unison as their gazes heighten a notch.
“Yes, it's me” They spoke in concert slightly chuckling.
“These are my children?”
He said as his gaze fell upon them as they decorated the sand castle near the coastline.
Lily sheepishly smiles, “Yes, they belong to you.”
A beautiful grin swept across his face, “What are their names?”
“Your son's name is Jihyun and your daughter's name is Jangmi.” She said as they both watch their children play.
“How old are they?” He curiously appeals to her.
“They will be turning seven tomorrow.” She slightly turns and watches them play.
“On my birthday?” His shocked expression was written all over his face.
“Yes, all of you share the same birthday. What a coincidence right?”
She slightly giggled as she brushed her hair behind her ear. Which revealed Jimin's favorite spot..~ the side of her neck where he loves to nestle his head as he inhales her scent.
He lightly chuckles, “It's not a coincidence, it's fate. Like us meeting again after all this time.”
Jimin paused as he hesitate to say what he want to ask. “It's now or never... I want it, I need her so—” His mind is in chaos as he finds the strength to say what he wants.
“Are you married or dating? Just covering all basis, I'm single by the way in case your wondering.”
He rubbed the side of his neck feeling uneasy, not sure what Lily will say.
Butterflies tickle her tummy like when he asked her out in high school. She finally gathers the courage to speak.
“No, I've been single all this time. Didn't have the time to strike up a relationship with anyone. My main focus was our children.”
Both of them stood in silence for a bit. Stealing glances at each other.
“She always was so sexy.”
“He is still the same after all this time. I miss him so much.”
Their minds go crazy because they can't seem to say what they want to.
Lily breaks the silence by speaking.
“Do you want to meet your children?”
“Yeah, of course, I want to meet them. Do they know who I am?” He happily said as he smiled.
Lily grabbed Jimin's hand, “Yes, they know about you Jimin. Come on let's go join them.”
She locked her arms with his as they casually walked toward the twins.
Jihyun watched his mom with his dad. “DADDY! DADDY! IT'S YOU!”
He ran up to his father and hugged him. He startled Jangmi who was falling asleep on the beach blanket under the umbrella.
When she looked up she saw Jihyun secured in Jimin's arms. Her mommy walking beside them.
Jangmi was ecstatic that she finally, got to see her daddy for the first time. It was a whole new world for her.
She and her brother only heard stories of Jimin and saw him in pictures. She was loving this moment.
Jimin happily played along, “Yes, I am your early birthday present and both of you are my birthday present.”
All of them spend time on the beach together making memories that will last a lifetime.
Since it was getting late, Jimin invited them to spend the night at the beachfront estate. He had to have more of them. The feeling was mutual they needed him as well.