In the meantime, you were a sobbing mess. The good and bad memories mixed making the wound in your heart bleed out. You hugged the pillow that you put his shirt on that had his cologne sprayed upon it.
After all, the evidence is collected on Sohee and she is brought to justice by the court. Then maybe you and Jimin could mend things. You didn't want any mudslinging about your relationship hit the public, just yet. Sohee's going to suffer for her sins as well.
You felt bad you had to keep pushing Jimin away. BUT it had to be done to protect the one you love. He has his career to focus on. NOT all of this bullshit that Sohee has caused to make both your lives miserable.
You still remember the words Sohee told you at the airport the day she escorted you there. “For all the suffering you have caused me and Jimin. Now you will pay the price.”
You retorted, “No matter how much you think you are winning you losing.” Sohee with anger spoke, “I always win.” You chuckled, “In your dreams sasaeng girl.” She was shocked to hear those words. “You bitch!” She tried to slap your face and you dropped her with an uppercut.
“Mark my words Sohee, you ain't seen the last of me yet. I'm your worse nightmare.” You caught the flight to New York and met Amaya. Where you filled her in on the case you were building against Sohee.
The day you caught a flight to Vegas, She caught a plane to South Korea to be Jimin's stylist. She talked with the boss of the label that BTS works under who is her uncle. She told him everything. She kept tabs on Sohee to gather more evidence against her.
You would do anything for Jimin, anything to keep him safe from harm. Even if it meant you leaving the man you truly love and adore. He deserves peace of mind and his main focus should be his career.
“Please Jimin babe, hold on just a bit more. I know you are tired of us being separated. I feel the same way. Don't make it harder than it already is.” You said to yourself as you second guess what happened at the restaurant.
“Honestly I want to be with you too, my love. I miss you...~ us. I'm sorry if I caused you more pain. We will have our day, I promise. I love you so much Ji baby.” You gazed at his picture on your end table like you were talking to him and he could hear you.
You buried your face in your pillow, crying. Just then you heard your doorbell clamoring. At first, you weren't going to answer it. But it was pure madness so you were forced to check who it was.
When you checked the security screen to see who was outside your door. It was Jimin, you couldn't believe he was there. You spoke loud enough so he can hear you, “Please, leave Jimin...”
He cut you off, “Let me in now, baby!” You stuttered, “L...Leave before someone calls the cops.” He retorted, “I could care less who the fuck sees me or even if they call the police. Let me in!”
You gave in and unlocked the door. You didn't want him to get in trouble. As soon as you open the door he rushes in to hug you. “Please baby, don't do this to me. I finally found you and I won't let you go this time.”
You focused on his eyes with your fixed gaze, “Jimin, you know we will never work out. This has to stop! Matter of fact we ain't together anymore and haven't been for three years.” Jimin retorted, “The promise ring around your neck says you still love me. So please let's work it out.”
You ripped the necklace off your neck, placing it in his hand. “Here take it and leave me alone.” You pushed him back out the door and locked it. He punched the door.
You could hear his muffled cries. Your back was against the door as you slowly slid down the face of it, crying in silence. Even though it was rough for both of you, you knew it was done for the best.
You heard a car startup and burnout. When you opened the door to check, Jimin was gone. You closed the door and locked it. You ran upstairs to your room, plopped your body on the bed, and cried yourself to sleep.
Jimin drove back to the hotel shaken by the event. He stayed in his car and cried. Taehyung came and meet him in the vehicle. He sat on the passenger side, he looked over at Jimin and noticed he was crying clutching a necklace with a promise ring. “Hyung, you went to see Y/N noona?” Taehyung said in a concerned voice.
Through his tears, Jimin spoke, “I went to talk to her and things got out of hand. She gave me back the promise ring I gave her. It fucking hurts Tae like a part of me died when she gave this back to me.”
Taehyung pat his back, “Hyung, I know Y/N noona didn't mean to do that. She is just thinking about what is best for your career.” Jimin retorted, “She is the ONE Tae, the ONLY ONE who I want to spend my life with. If I have to go public with our relationship, I will so we can be happy together without all the shade.”
He pauses catching his breath. “I'm not leaving Las Vegas without her. We have two more weeks here after the concert is over, I have that period to figure something out.”
Taehyung nodded his head, “You already know Amaya and I are a couple. Talk with Amaya and you will know exactly why she is like this. For now, let's go back to our hotel room and rest the first concert is tomorrow. We have a busy schedule.”
Both men head back to their hotel room and rest for tomorrow is the opening concert for PTD LV.
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