All you wanted to know was the truth, and you got choked instead. That was the first time Jin took out his aggression on you in this manner. Your whole existence with him flashing before your eyes came down to this moment. You knew there was no hope left in this relationship, and the marriage both of you planned couldn't go on after this incident.
“What the fuck are you doing?!?” A deep voice rang out; Seokjin turned to look at who it was. A fist met his jaw, knocking him to the ground. Your eyes magnified as you saw Jimin's handsome countenance filled with anger and rage bursting forth--- then you blacked out.
You woke up to find yourself in an unfamiliar bed. You went out of the bedroom to see exactly who's house you were at and who brought you to this residence. The last face you remember seeing was Jimin before falling unconscious. You were still hurt and angry about what happened earlier at the medical office building. That was the first time Jin got aggressive with you during an argument, and to top it off. This act he did in a public setting. Seokjin is a very private person in every facet of his life how things have changed in the past couple of years. How he could be so warm and loving and now --- he is cold and distant. What did you do to Jin that made him become the man he is now? Was the question that that lingered in your trail of thoughts and burned deep in your heart as tears escaped from your eyes...~ rolling down your cheeks. You stopped in the middle of the hallway turning towards a mirror on the wall. You stared at your reflection and noticed Jin's handprint stretching around your neck.
Jimin stood at the end of the corridor, eyes intently focused on you. Your hand on your neck--- rubbing it as you hang your head down and weep. He wanted to hold you so bad, but he knew you weren't ready yet. Things with you and Seokjin had to be sorted out first before he could make a move on you. He made his way over to you, resting his hands on your shoulders as he softly squeezed them. “Noona, you okay?” He spoke in a soft tone. Your shoulders tense up as you were unaware that anyone was with you. Hearing Jimin's voice made you feel at ease. “Not really, Ji--- I'm not okay..~ I...” He turned you around, cupping your face as he swept your tears away with his thumbs. “ It's ok I'm here with you now. He can't hurt you--- I won't allow it ever again.” You cling on to him, your head buried in his chest as you cry your eyes out.
Jimin was enjoying this time with you. He embraced you snugly in his arms as he gently kissed you on the forehead. “I...I can't believe Jin did this to me. He was never like this; I'm sorry you had to see this argument between us..~ but--- thank you for helping me.” Your speech was soft and labored as you fought to speak through the pain. “ I'm glad I was there to help. I'd do anything for you, noona.”
How the words ‘I love you...’ nearly creeped out his mouth. He gritted his teeth as he fought the urge to kiss your lips. His hand slowly glided up and down your back. You haven't felt a man's touch in a year, to be exact. You were enjoying this... a little too much..~ maybe. The more Jimin's hand caresses your back, your skin starts to prickle, and your body starts to warm up to his touch. Your little paws slip down to his rounds, softly squeezing them as he grunted. Just then, you felt his pants vibrate. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. “Hey Yoongi hyung, what's up?” He said in a calm tone. “I'm here to pick up Y/N, my mom still wants to see her... even more so now after that unfortunate event at the medical building.” Yoongi replies. You and Jimin leave the hallway to meet up with Yoongi.
Part 5 coming soon!!!
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