The Big Tease (Pt.7)

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While Yoongi and his mom talked about finding more evidence on Jin, you and Jimin went out on the balcony overlooking the pool, which hosts a cascading waterfall. It was beautiful, and the ambient sound of the water put your aching heart at ease for a moment. Your mind is spinning as you try to process things. It wasn't a bad thing finding out Aunty Hanbyeol was your biological mother and that Yoongi is your half-brother. You get along with them quite well, and you'll be in a family that you already know and love. But the timing of it was out of place. Dealing with Jin and learning the truth about your new family was a bit much to take in at one time.

You look down the balcony at the waterfall spilling over the secret grotto, your chin resting on your folded arms, while you were in deep thought..~ Jimin saunters behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he rests his head on your shoulder. “What are you thinking about, Princess?” He sweetly whispers next to your ear. “Everything that is happening in my life caving in on me... I can't breathe; I can't think straight. I'm not sure who or what I am anymore. I feel totally and utterly hopeless.” Tears spring forth from the wells of your eyes as your body trembles from holding in your pain.

Jimin, let go of your waist, turning you around to face him. He raises your chin so you can focus on him. “You're a strong woman, and you will get through this, Y/N noona.” His gaze searched your soul as he planted a luscious kiss on your plump lips. “I know you don't need more surprises today..~ but I can't hide it anymore.” He cups your face. “I love you, Princess. With every being of my fiber, I love you.” He places his sweet edges on yours one more time. “Nothing in this world can describe the utterance of my love for you. However, when you are ready to meet me halfway, we can start a relationship of our own.”

A million thoughts rushed into your head as you felt his hands run slowly down your back. They were slithering to your ample rounds, tracing every curve with his fingertips before squeezing them firmly in his hands. A soft coo left your lips as your body succumbed to his touch. Your hands work their way up..~ on his back, you placed them on the nape of his neck—you reeled Jimin in for a passionate kiss. Sparks flew between both of you, which lit the fire of desire in your bodies. His manhood grew within his pants as it thumped against your womanliness. The kiss became more hungry as one of your hands glided down his back onto his derriere, gripping one of his ass cheeks. His deep grunt vibrated in your mouth, making your torso quake.

You and Jimin knew this wasn't supposed to happen. But the lack of control was bound to take place sooner or later. It was a silver lining in the dark cloud of misery for you. A happy place that could make you loosen up a little bit. Both of your minds chant, “So this is how you taste?!! I need more!!!”
Hands, all over each other...
Breathing, picking up pace...
Lips, smacking as both your tongues engage in tasting one another's sweetness...
How could you stop now?
You and Jimin are just going along with the flow of things.
Busy in your pleasurable pursuit to find some happiness in your sad life. You and Jimin disregarded Yoongi being present..~ Till both of you heard him clear his throat. The two of you stopped dead in your tracks, bewildered as both of you looked at him.


Part 8 coming soon!!!

Part 8 coming soon!!!

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