1 - Something Entirely New

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Running through the halls of the Golden Pyramid, a woman exits the Palace with her children as she wanted to find somewhere for them live and grow up. Glancing through a window, the woman knocks on the door and the couple who live there are surprised to see who was on the other side when they opened the door.

"Please take care of my children for me." the woman says.

"How come?" the older male questions.

"Is everything okay?" the lady asks.

"I fear that I may not live long enough to see them grow up." the woman explains. "And you might want to leave the city while you can."

"Why?" the couple asks.

"A war is in the way and I want my children to build an ancestry I can be reborn into." the woman expands. "And before you leave..."

The woman grabs her necklace and holds it close, then gives it to her youngest child. Brushing the children's hair out of the way, the woman pecks each of her child's foreheads, then places a hand each on the couple. With a look, the couple understood what was being asked of them and left with the children.

The woman headed back to the palace, knowing the fight ahead was going to be a long one and that her children were safe.

Moving to a new town was a new experience for Harper, but she found comfort in the fact that her cousin also happened to live there and the hope that things would be alright.

Pulling into the driveway of her new home, Harper smiled as she grabbed her keys and unlocked the door. Breathing in the air of her home, Harper smiled as the lights flickered on.

"Auntie and Uncle must have helped with getting everything in the house working." Harper chuckles. "Anyways, I better get stuck into the work."

As she got stuck into the first box, Harper heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. Upon opening the door, Harper smiled when she saw who was on the other side.

"Hey, everyone." Harper smiles, letting them inside.

"Hey, how are you?" her auntie asks.

"I'm good, I'm good, how is everyone?" Harper answers.

"Good." they grin.

"Did you just arrive?" her uncle questions.

"Yeah." Harper nods. "I was starting to unpack when you lot arrived."

"May we help you?" her cousin asks.

"Sure." Harper smiles.

"Where do you want us to start?" asks her aunt.

"You and uncle can help with the furniture, Leo and the twins can help me with the smaller stuff." Harper directs.

"Alright then, let's get to work." her uncle punches the air.

"Yeah." the others cheer.

After a long few hours of working, the family collapses in the living room and Harper smiles at the work they've done. As everyone was getting comfortable, the doorbell rang and Harper got up to answer it. Thanking the man on the other side and paying, the door was shut and Harper walks back into the room with three boxes of pizza.

"Anyone want some pizza?" Harper asks.

"Yes." the family exclaims.

While they dug into the pizza, Harper noticed her cousins bracelet light up before he just as quickly covered it so no one would take note.

"May I be excused?" Leo asked. "I need to use the bathroom."

"Sure." his mother smiles.

After a moment, Harper follows the boy and leaves by using the same excuse as her cousin.

"I'll be back." Harper smiles.

Upon finding her cousin, she spots him making a portal and entering it. Without a moments hesitation, Harper followed Leo through the portal and was surprised to see she was no longer in her own home.

"Where the heck am I?" Harper questions.

Reborn // Egyxos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now