12 - A Strange Stay

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As Harper, Ramses, and Anubi are shopping on earth, Harper decided to go to the park.

"Ah." Harper sighs, lying on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Anubi asks.

"Relaxing," Harper replies. "Care to join me?"

Before Ramses and Anubi could lay down, they hear a crash coming from Leo's school, and the trio rush over to it. Upon seeing an attack aimed at Leo, Harper rushed over and managed to protect Leo. 

However, Harper was beaten up quite a bit.

At the hospital, Leo's parents burst through the room door with the twins. Staring at the group in stunned silence, the twins were allowed to stay by Harper's side, so long as they were careful.

"Will Harper be okay?" Juliet asks.

"She will be, don't you worry." Ramses smiles. "Harper is a strong girl."

After spending some time in the room, a doctor came in to tell the group visiting hours were over.

"All of you can visit tomorrow." the doctor smiles.

Nodding, the group left with Ramses and Anubi giving one last look to Harper who lay still on the hospital bed.

Slowly waking up, Harper looked 'round the room and found comfort in the warmth Ramses and Anubi were giving her. She wasn't going to question why they were there, but it was nice to be with some familiar faces.

For now, though, she remained quiet as she wanted to enjoy the moment. 

As the doctor was looking over everything, they told Harper she may need to stay for a few more days. 

Happy with the news, Harper was excited she wasn't going to be there for much longer.

After a day or so, Harper was allowed to move around again and was asked if she wanted to visit the children's ward.

"Sure." Harper agrees.

"Follow me, then." the doctor directs.

Stopping in front of a door,  the doctor buzzed them into the children's ward. The place was bright and colorful. While looking around the place, Harper noticed a group of kids sitting by each other with some books scattered around them.

Noticing Harper was staring at them, the children asked called for her to join them and she did so. 

After all, she didn't want to disappoint them.

All of them started reading stories to Harper one by one, and Haper was enjoying every second of it.

Having spent some hours in the Children's Ward, Harper was escorted back to her room.

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