4 - Something New

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Walking into the Principals office, Harper had a meeting with the man and was getting everything ready before the school day started. While taking a break, Harper brought a hand to the necklace she was wearing. As far as Harper knew, her mothers side of the family have always had the necklace and passed it down to their first born daughter.

"Why was this passed down through my family?" Harper whispers.

"Miss. Soleil, it's time for class." a teacher called.

"Oh, okay, thanks for telling me." Harper replies.

"All good." the teacher waves.

Getting the finishing touches done, the class walked into the room and Harper smiles at the teens.

"Good morning, students." Harper grins. "My name is Miss. Soleil and I will be your teacher for this class since the previous one has retired."

Murmurs came from the students and Harper remained silent, waiting for the students to silence themselves. When the students realised their teacher wasn't speaking, they shushed one another and their attention returned to the teacher. Smiling, Harper explained how things works and asked the students to introduce themselves to her.

When the final bell rang, Harper stayed in the classroom and wrote notes on the students. Hearing a knock on the door, Harper looked up and smiled when she saw Leo.

"Hey, Leo." Harper greets. "What's up?"

"I'm heading to basketball practice." Leo replies. "When will your work be done?"

"It should be done in about an hour. Why?" Harper asks.

"I was wondering if you could take me home." Leo scratches his neck. "It's alright if you don't want to."

"It's fine, I'll take you home." Harper smiles. "I'll meet you at the outside basketball court when you're done."

"Thanks, Harper." Leo smiles.

"No problem." Harper waves. "Just make sure your parents know what's going."

"Done." Leo salutes.

While waiting for Leo, she saw the boy running toward her with a kid running after him. Leo hid behind her while the kid tried grabbing onto him, but Harper's reflexes seemed to be quicker.

"Ow. What are you doing?" the kid screams.

"I suggest you stay away from Leo before consequences get a lot worse than they are now." Harper warned.

"What does that matter? He took something from me." the kid defends.

"Did he? Or did you set him up?" Harper questions.

"Who are you anyway?" the kid asks.

"I'm Miss. Soleil, your new English teacher." Harper says. "Not to mention I'm Leo's cousin."

"Cousin." the kids stammers.

"Yes. Now...leave him alone and if you don't, I will make sure you'll regret being born." Harper snears.

"Sorry." the kid apologises.

"You better leave before I do something worse." Harper let go of the boys hand.

The boy runs off and Harper turns to Leo. The duo smile and laugh, then look down when they see Leo's bracelet glowing.

"Best you head off, I'll tell your parents you'll be staying with me until after dinner." says Harper.

"Why don't you come with me?" Leo suggests.

"Sure...wait, what?" Harper questions. "Is there a reason for this suggestion?"

"Yeah, Kefer and Ra wanted to speak with you about something." Leo replies. "Well, Ra mostly wants to talk with you. So...will you come?"

"Sure, why not?" Harper shrugs, smiling.

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