3 - Something Familiar

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Arriving back at the Golden Pyramid, Harper stared in awe the Golden City. As she stared at the city with a smile, Harper clutched her head at the sudden headache and hissed.

"Harper, are you okay?" asks Leo.

"It's just a headache, I'll be fine." Harper replies.

"Harper, Leo, come with us." Kefer waves.

"Coming." the duo exclaim.

Entering the Throne Room, Harper felt a sense of familiarity. With this, Harper felt calm. Soon relaxing into the rooms homey feel, everyone's attention turned to Ra when he entered the room.

"Hello, Father." Kefer bowed.

"Welcome back, Kefer." Ra greeted. "How was the mission?"

"Everything went well until we had a bit of a scuffle." Kefer gestured to Harper. "Good news is, we were able to save Leo's cousin."

Ra looked over to Harper and smiled, nodding his head.

"It's nice to meet you." said Ra.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ra." Harper replies.

"What's your name?" Ra asks.

"My name's Harper." Harper smiles.

"That's a beautiful name. It suits you." Ra says.

"Thank you." giggles Harper.

"You know, you remind me of my late daughter." Ra said.

"I...do?" Harper cocks her head.

"Yeah. Her name was Zahra." Ra smiles.

"That name means Flower, doesn't it?" Harper grins.

"It does." Ra nods. "You sure know your stuff."

"Only when I'm interested, sir." Harper smiles.

As the two continued to talk, Leo and Kefer seemed to be taken aback while the two talked. It appeared as if the two already knew each other despite just meeting a few moments ago.

"This is so weird." Leo shakes his head.

"It is certainly...different." Kefer sighs.

Stepping through the portal, Harper stretched and Leo stepped through not a moment later. The two made their way back to the living room to see Leo's parents getting their shoes on.

"I was wondering where the two of you were." Leo's mother said, noticing the duo. "You two were taking your time."

"We better be quicker then so we don't keep you waiting." Harper chuckles.

"We're heading home now Leo, so help me get your brother and sister into the car." Leo's father gestured.

"Okay." Leo sighs.

"Chin up, Leo." Harper smiles. "Remember; it's always easy to have a bad ending, but find a happy ending instead."

"If only everyone thought like you, Harper." Leo's mother sighs. "Then the world may be a better place."

"If only, Auntie, if only." Harper shakes her head.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Harper says she'll meet Leo at school the next day and the two share a smile.

"What do you mean?" Leo asks.

"I got a teaching position at your school." Harper smiles.

"So...we'll be seeing more of each other?" Leo questions.

"Yep." Harper nods.

"Cool." Leo beams.

"I'll see you, Monday." Harper waves.

"See you then." Leo salutes.

Reborn // Egyxos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now