9 - A Date

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While training, Harper found her fighting to be on equal footing with Ramses'. Ramses seemed to be impressed with how far she had come and suggested something. 

"Would you like to end training here?" Ramses asks.

"Sure." Harper pants.

"I also have a request," says Ramses.

"What may that be?" Harper asks.

"Do you want to join me for a date?" Ramses asks.

Surprised by the question, Harper smiled. Turning around to Ramses, she saw him waiting for her response.

"Of course." Harper accepts. "Where are we going?"

"To Earth." Ramses smiles.

"Can I get ready first?" Harper asks.

"Anything for you to feel comfortable, dear." Ramses grins, nodding.

"Thanks." Harper smiles, running off.

Smiling, Ramses turned to the sound of Apis scoffing and had his arms crossed. The scowl on his face never disappeared. He had forgotten the two of them were in the presence of Apis and felt embarrassed.

"For both of your sakes', your quality of fighting better not diminish," Apis spoke.

"It won't," Ramses promised. "I swear on it."

"You better mean that." Apis quirked a brow.

"I do, honest." Ramses chuckled.

"...Okay." Apis sighed. "Better run along then. Don't want to keep the girl waiting."

"Right." Ramses nodded. "Thanks for the training, Apis."

"No worries, seeker." Apis waves.

Meeting Harper by her room, the couple teleported to Earth.  Upon arriving, Ramses had changed into Mr. Kirby.

"Where shall we go first?" Ramses asks.

"Not sure, let's see where our feet take us." Harper smiles.

"If that is what you wish." Ramses chuckles.

As they walk, the duo Harper spots a book shop and requests to go in. Ramses agrees and the two look around. While they were doing so, a woman comes up and clings to Ramses. Disgusted by this, Ramses looks over to Harper for help and the girl agrees once she sees what is going on.

"Excuse me, ma'am, why are you clinging onto my partner?" Harper politely asks.

"What did you say?" the woman exclaims, turning to Harper.

"Ew, what happened to your face?" Harper gestures.

"What's wrong with my face?" the woman screeches.

"It looks like an animal puked on it and played with said puke." Harper shuddered. "Your face is disgusting."

"Uh, what-"

"Well excuse us, my partner and I need to continue shopping while you can excuse yourself from the premises." Harper sneered. "You disgust me."

The woman left in a huff while Harper and Ramses continued shopping.

Reborn // Egyxos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now