11 - A Special Day Planned

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While practicing their fighting together, Anubi had an idea but he was going to need Ramses' help for it.

So that night when everyone had gone to bed, Anubi transformed into an owl and flew to the Golden Pyramid. When he entered said Pyramid, he changed into a generic Golden Army form and joined a group of them roaming the halls.

When he found Ramses and Harper's room and entered it without detection, Anubi reverted to his original state and started shaking Ramses awake.

"Ramses, wake up." Anubi whispers. "I need your help with something."

Groaning as he was waking up, Ramses jolted when he saw Anubi's eyes in the dark. Anubi walked back and Ramses sighs.

"What do you need help with?" Ramses asks.

"I was thinking about taking Harper on a picnic," Anubi replies. "Together."

"Sounds great, but are you planning to cook?" Ramses questions.

"Yes, but I was hoping you could help me with that." Anubi fidgets.

Softening at the sight and the sentiment, Ramses smiles and turns to a sleeping Harper in his arms. Slowly but surely, Ramses removed his arm from under Harper and tucked her under the sheets.

When they arrived on earth, the trio made sure they had their things and were on their way to the park. At the park, the group found a private place to set up the picnic and Harper found the perfect spot for it.

"How about this spot?" Harper smiles.

"It's perfect." Anubi grins. 

"I have to agree, it is." Ramses sighs.

While they set up the blanket, Harper got everything out of the basket.

When everything was said and done, the trio returned to Egyxos and laughed as all of them had a good time.

Kissing Harper's forehead, Anubi smirked when he saw the girl blush.

"Hope you had fun, sunshine," Anubi whispered in her ear.

"I did." Harper stammers.

"Thank goodness." Anubi sighs. "I will be off, see you later."

"See you." Harper waves.

"Shall we head home?" Ramses asks.

"Yeah." Harper smiles.

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