6 - Something Taken

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"Why do you still not have the girl?" Exaton questions.

"She is a difficult person to track down." says Anubi.

"Then work harder." Exaton demands. "She can't be that hard to find."

"As you wish, Exaton." Anubi bows, leaving.

While it had been a couple of weeks since she had been to Egyxos, Harper continued with her work as a teacher. As she was taking notes and grading papers, a memory had resurfaced.

Laughing, two individuals smiled and one of them had laid their head on the other.

"I'm glad I got to spend more time with you, Flower." said the male.

"I'm glad too." the female replied. "We need to spend more time with each other when we can. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, we do." the male agreed.

Looking out at the sunset, the two shared in the peaceful moment together as they enjoyed the others company.

"Hey, Harper, you there?" Leo asks.

"Oh, sorry." Harper apologies. "I was lost in thought the for a moment there."

"You're still bringing me home, aren't you?" Leo questions.

"Sure I am, now get to practice." Harper smiles.

"Okay, but we're talking about what you're thinking when you take me home." Leo smirks.

"Yeah, yeah, just go." Harper laughs.

As Leo walks into Harper's classroom, he takes note that she isn't there and starts looking around the school for her. When he sees no sign of his cousin, Leo notices his bracelet and smiles. Finding a private place on school grounds - and making sure no one saw him - Leo teleports to Egyxos.

Appearing in the Throne Room, Leo greets everyone in the room and asks why he was called.

"Harper was taken by Anubi and brought to Exaton." Ramses answers.

"Why would Exaton have need of Harper?" Leo questions. "As far as either of us knows, she has no use to him."

"He might see her as a means to get you, or quite possibly myself." Ra replies.

"Could this have to do with you taking away his powers?" Leo asks.

"It is a possibility." Ra agrees. "However, we need to make sure it is the only reason for him taking Harper."

"So...a recovery mission?" Leo smiles.

"Exactly." Ra agrees.

"Ramses, Horus and I will join you on this mission." says Kefer.


Waking up, Harper found herself in an all-too-familiar cell.

"For crying out loud." Harper groans.

"Good, you're awake." Sekhmet said. "Exaton requires your presence."

"...Fine." Harper sighs.

Upon entering the Throne Room, Harper was forced onto her knees and forced to look up at Exaton.

"What do you want with me?" Harper demanded.

"I want you to work for me." Exaton smirked.

"And if I don't?" Harper questions.

"You will be followed until you do or...you will find yourself in a situation far worse than death." Exaton smiles.

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