5 - Something Revealed

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Arriving in Egyxos, Leo and Harper walked into the Throne Room from the balcony and the two bowed to the pharaoh to sat upon the throne.

"It's nice you see you again, Harper." Ra greets.

"Same could be said here, sire." Harper smiles.

"Harper, please just call me, Ra." said Ra.

"As you wish, Ra." Harper bows. "I believe Leo brought me here so we could have a chat, right?"

"Correct." Ra nods.

"What am I going to do while you two talk?" Leo questions.

"Train with Apis, duh." Harper rolls her eyes.

Ra and Leo gave Harper a weird look.

"How do you who Apis is?" Leo questions. "I never introduced you to him."

"I don't know, I think something came over me." Harper shudders.

"Right." Ra sighs. "Leo, you are to train with Apis to prepare for fighting with Exaton, and Harper, please follow me. I would like to have that talk I wanted with you."

"Yes, Ra." the cousins reply, nodding.

Ra led Harper into the council room and sat down. Ra offered one of the seats to Harper and she took it, despite feeling nervous on how the talk will go.

"What did you wish to speak with me about, Ra?" Harper asks.

"Do you remember your time as Zahra?" Ra inquires.

"Uh, no, I don't." Harper replies. "Why do you ask?"

"I strongly suspect you may be my reincarnated daughter." Ra answers.

"Why do you think that?" Harper questions.

"I don't know, but I have a strong feeling that you may be her, seeing as how see was killed and I never got to see my grand kids again." Ra explains.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your daughter die?" Harper asks.

"She due to stab wounds that ran up the side of her body." Ra answers.

"Stab wounds-"

Pictures flashed in her mind. Harper screamed as she clutched her head and curled into a ball. Ra went over to the girl and knelt, holding her shoulders. When Harper calmed down, she uncurled herself and was able to look at Ra. She then hugged the man in front of her and sobbed. Ra rubbed circles on the girls back, and when she able to calm down, Harper wiped her tears and snot with the tissues Ra provided and smiled.

"Would it be weird to call you Father?" Harper asks.

Entering the arena, Ra and Harper greeted everyone and vise versa. Harper was introduced to Apis, but Apis didn't seem to pleased with her being there.

"What's wrong with you, Apis?" Harper asks, arms crossed. "I thought you would have reacted differently, considering I felt bad for ruining the arena last time I was here."

"No you weren't. I haven't even met you before." Apis grumped.

"One word. Zahra." Harper smirked.

"How do you know who she is?" Apis questions.

"I was previously her." Harper explains.

"Oh yeah, prove it." Apis challenges.

Smirking, Harper breathes as she looks at the bull.

"Power of Egyxos." Harper exclaims.

After transforming, Harper smirks once more as everyone was either surprised or shocked to see what had happened. Proud, Harper asks Apis is she would be able to participate in training.

Apis reluctantly agreed and everything went underway.

While watching Harper's and Leo's training, Ramses, Hyksos and Kha joined Ra and Kefer in the stands of the arena.

"What's going on down there?" Hyksos asks.

"Apis has agreed to train Harper, alongside Leo." Kefer replies.

"Strange." Ramses remarks.

"What is it, Ramses?" Hyksos asks.

"Oh, um, why is Harper wearing armour?" Ramses questions.

"Harper will explain it to you if you want to ask her about it after the training is over." Ra answers.

"I think I will." Ramses smiles.

When training was finished, Leo and Harper de-transform and Harper sits against the arena wall as she caught her breath. Her legs felt like jelly and felt like she would never be able to get up again.

"You did well at training, Harper." Leo smiles.

"Thanks, Leo." chuckles Harper.

"So...being reincarnated isn't an everyday occurrence. Especially for someone to have all of their memories." Leo says.

"It's a weird feeling, sure, but I don't feel any different." Harper says. "Does that make sense?"

"Eh, not really." Leo shrugs.

"Shoulda expected that response." Harper sighs.

When the two noticed Ra and Kefer with three extra people, Leo and Harper greeted them and smiled. When the group started talking, Ramses couldn't keep his eyes off Harper.

"If you had a picture of me, Ramses, you could stare at it longer." Harper smirks.

"Sorry." Ramses stammers. "Anyways, I wanted to ask you something."

"What may that be?" Harper asks.

Reborn // Egyxos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now