13 - Actually Worked

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While fighting one of the generals from the Dark Army, Harper was starting to become sloppy.

"Why do I...feel so...weird?" Harper questions, everything going black.

The general grabbed Harper and put her onto the back of their ride. Signalling to Exaton that he has the girl, the Dark Pharaoh got in a few last hits with his brother before he retreated. His army was not too far behind him and the Golden Army was confused by their departure.

"That was weird." Kefer commented.

"Where is Harper?" Ramses asks.

"What are you talking about?" Horus questions. "Harper should be right the-"

Everyone stood in silence as they stared in the direction Horus pointed. Harper was there the last they had checked and now she wasn't.

"What happened to Harper?" Leo questions.

"...Exaton." Kefer realised.

"Exaton? Why would Exaton want to take her?" Iside inquires.

"No idea, but I am going to get her back." Ramses said, taking a few steps. "No matter how long it takes."

"I'm with you on that, Ramses." Leo agrees, smiling. "Let's go."

"Hey, wait for me." Horus calls.

"Ok, don't leave me behind." Kefer shouted, running after the group.

"Gather up and head back to the city, everyone." Iside instructed. "Ra has to know what happened and what is going on."

At the Dark Pyramid, Exaton is training until someone had interrupted it.

"Sire, the prisoner is awake." Thoth spoke.

"I will be right there." Exaton wiped the sweat away.

"Alright, sire." Thoth bows.

Arriving in the Throne Room, Exaton took his spot upon his throne and stared in stunned silence at the human girl in front of him.

"You are Zahra, aren't you?" Exaton questions.

Everyone in the room - aside from Anubi - was stunned by the question. Looking up, Harper glared at the man who was her former brother.

"I was." Harper snarls.

"What do you mean 'was'?" Exaton asks. "You are her."

"I died because Nakt stabbed me." Harper gestures. "I am Harper now."

"No...you're...NOT!" Exaton screams.

Last thing Harper saw, Exaton shooting something at her and falling to the ground.

Reborn // Egyxos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now