15 - Epilogue

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Waking up in Ramses' room, Harper sat up and held her head in her hands. 

"Ugh." Harper groans.

"Harper," voices exclaimed.

Looking up, Harper smiles upon seeing her three favorite people standing there. 

"Hey,  guys." Harper greets.

Entering the room, they each take turns hugging Harper. 

"We're so glad you're awake." Leo smiles.

"Happy that you are, however," Harper laughs. "How long was I out for?"

"A few weeks," Ramses replies.

"Oh." Harper looks away.

"Don't worry  you didn't miss much." Anubi smiles.

"Aside from Anubi joining the Golden Army, that is." Leo laughs.

"Really?!" Harper exclaims.

"Yeah." Anubi nods. 

5 Months Later...

Harper wasn't feeling well and decided to pay a visit to Osiride. 

"Hey, Osiride." Harper greets.

"Hello, Harper." Osiride smiles. "You never visit. Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, there is," Harper replies. 

"Can you fill me in?" Osiride asks.

Explaining what has been happening to her and having run some tests, Osiride shares the news with Harper.

"So...?" Harper asks, nervous.

"You are fine, and your body is working perfectly fine for what is happening." Osiride smiles.

"What's happening to my body?" Harper questions.

"You're pregnant," Osiride reveals.

"Pregnant," Harper says breathlessly.

"Yes, you are," Osiride nods. "Congratulations."

"Oh my Ra, I'm pregnant." the news hits Harper.

"Do you know who the father is?" Osiride inquires.

"Possibly." Harper chuckles.

"I hope they can help you through this." Osiride smiles.

Back in Ramses' room, Ramses and Anubi turned to see Harper entering with looks of panic.

"Harper, where did you go?" Ramses asks.

"To see Osiride, why?" Harper shrugs.

"We were worried," Anubi confesses.

"Sorry." Harper tears up.

"No, no, no, don't cry," Ramses says, hugging the girl. "We didn't mean to."

"Exactly." Anubi agrees, joining in on the hug.

"Really?" Harper questions.

"Yeah." the duo agrees.

"I have some news to tell you both," Harper says.

"What is it?" Ramses asks.

Sitting down with Anubi and Ramses following, Harper takes a moment to collect her thoughts as the two males wait for her to speak.

"I'm pregnant," Harper confesses.

"You're...what?" Anubi questions.

"Pregnant." Harper fidgets.

Taking a moment to let the news sink in, Ramses and Anubi share a smile before going in to hug Harper.

"We're going to be parents," they exclaim.

"Yeah, we are." Harper laughs with a smile.

"We can't wait to meet them." Ramses smiles.

"Mhm." Anubi hums, nodding.

"I can't wait to meet them either." Harper agrees.

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