8 - A Trial and A Move

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As the Dark and Golden Army's fought, Harper and Leo were going back and forth with neither of them giving way. While the two were going at it, a blast had split the two apart and turned to see who shot it. It was Exaton. He wanted to fight Leo - and Harper knew this - so she let the Dark Pharaoh handle him.

While the two fought, Harper let the Golden Army take her in and Leo left for Earth.

Sitting in a cell, Harper waited until someone would come to get her so the trial could begin. When her door did open, Harper sighed as she turned to Kefer.

"Ra wishes to see you." Kefer gestures.

"Lead the way." Harper nods.

Arriving in the Council Room, Harper got onto her knees and waited for the meeting to begin. As the meeting was going on, Harper closed her eyes and tuned everything out.

"Harper." Ra exclaims.

"Uh...Yes?" Harper questions.

"Can you tell us your version of events?" Ra asks.

"Of...?" Harper asks.

"How you came to work for Exaton." Ra expands.

"Oh, well..."

Harper explains everything to Ra and the council. As they listened to Harper tell her version of events, they just sat and didn't know how to feel or what to think. When Harper finished explaining, everyone remained silent as they gathered their thoughts before they spoke.

When the meeting concluded, Harper was requested to stay in Egyxos. Harper agreed to this, but requested to do a few things back on Earth before she could stay there. Ra granted this request, and Harper returned to Earth with Leo to get her things in order.

Having everything sorted within a few weeks, Harper returned to Egyxos with Leo and settled herself within the walls of the Golden Pyramid. As she was unpacking her things, Harper smiled as she danced to the music she was able to download while on Earth.

Hearing the door open, Harper turned to it and saw Ramses standing there.

"Want to do some training?" Ramses inquires.

"Sure." Harper smiles. "I just got to finish unpacking my things."

"May I help you unpack?" Ramses asks. "That way we can get to training faster."

"Of course, go ahead." Harper chuckles.

Soon enough, the two finished unpacking Harper's things and made their way to Apis' arena. The duo talked along the way and got to know one another as they did so. Harper shared past memories she had with the shapeshifter and one thing she noticed about the man, was that he never seemed to have much of a frown. Even when he did sport one, it was spared for Exaton - and quite possibly - for Anubi as well.

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