2 - Something Strange

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"The heck am I?" Harper questions.

"Who do we have here?" came a voice.

"Wha-" Harper turned around. "Who are you?!"

"Your worst nightmare." the creature replied.

The creature opened its mouth and the last thing Harper saw was something yellow.

"Exaton will be pleased about this." they spoke.

Standing in the Throne Room of the Golden Pyramid, Leo wondered if something happened to warrant him coming back. He wasn't complaining, he was just confused as to why he was requested.

"Welcome back, Leo." Ra greets.

"It's good to be back." Leo bows. "Is there a reason why you called me back?"

"There is, but I wish the circumstances were different." Ra says.

"How come?" Leo asks.

"Exaton has come back into power and I have no idea what has caused this change." Ra explains.

"I thought you took everything away from him." Leo points out.

"I did, but as I said before, I don't know what has caused this change." Ra replies.

"Was this why you called me back?" Leo asks.

"Yes, it is." Ra says. "Will you be willing to help Egyxos once more?"

"Of course I would." Leo smiles.

"Thank you, Leo." Ra relaxes.

"What do you want me to do first?" Leo asks.

"For now, just go on a stealth mission with Ramses and Kefer at the Dark Pyramid." Ra instructs.

"On it." Leo salutes.

When the spell wore off, Harper gasps and takes in her surroundings. Realising where she was, Harper groans and lays on the slab of stone in the room.

"I hate this." Harper sighs, turning to the wall. "I really f*#$ing hate this."

Not seeing herself leaving anytime soon, Harper tried to fall asleep but found it harder to be expected. Granted lying on a slab of stone wasn't the best, but Harper accepted this wasn't the worst thing to sleep on. As she was about to doze off, Harper found herself being jolted awake when the door slammed open.

"There's thing called knocking, try it." Harper spat.

"Exaton wishes to speak with you." said the lioness.

Knowing better than to get herself into trouble, Harper stood up and followed the lioness to the Throne Room where Exaton sat upon his throne. Forced into her knees, Harper refused to look or speak the man upon the throne and kept silent as he spoke.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Exaton questions.

Silence was all that answered Exaton. This caused him to become angry as he slammed his fist against his throne.

"Answer me." Exaton growled.

"Like hell I'll tell you anything." Harper spat. "And I have no right to do so."

"Silence." screamed Exaton.

Arriving at the Dark Pyramid, Leo, Kefer, and Ramses were about to survey the area when the heard Exaton scream from the Throne Room.

"No need to find where Exaton is." Leo chuckles.

"Let's see what the cause of anger is, shall we?" Kefer guides.

"Yeah." Leo and Ramses agree.

Arriving outside of the Throne Room, the trio look into the room and see that Exaton has captured someone. While staring at the person kneeling in front of the tyrant, Leo clasped a hand over his mouth and pressed himself against the wall when he recognised the person on the floor.

"Something wrong, Leo?" Kefer whispers.

"Kinda." Leo replies. "First, we need to make a plan."

"What did you have in mind?" Ramses asks.


As Exaton was pacing back and forth and rambling about who knows what, Harper is surprised to see three golden men enter the room and blast their way through the generals. The man with the mask unties Harper and the girl relaxes once her wrists were free from their restraints.

"Thanks." Harper smiles.

"Y-Your welcome." Ramses blushes.

"Care to get me out of here?" Harper requests.

"Anything for a fine lady such as yourself." Ramses bows.

"Thanks." Harper giggles.

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