The favorite child

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Phil opened the door to room 307 and entered. On the hospital bed sat a teenager that appeared to be about 16, he had pig plushies scattered around the room along with a few photos of him and others. Phil recognised some of the people like one photo with the teen, Wilbur, and Tommy and another with the Teen and Skeppy, the boy that greeted Tommy at breakfast.

"You must be the all amazing Techno that Tommy told me about, he said you were even better than Wilbur. I'm Phil or Philza."

"And Tommy probably told you to say to Wilbur that he was even better than me, I don't need to be told lies about me being the favorite. Wilbur has always been Tommy's favorite because he isn't socially awkward." Phil sighed and nodded, he felt a bit sad that Techno immediately doubted the fact that he could possibly be the favorite.

"Well I think you seem pretty cool, if that means anything." Techno softly smiled at that and nodded.

"I'm your favorite child and you haven't even adopted us."

"Tommy already calls me Dadza even though I met him today, also I never said you were my favorite, I love you all equally... don't tell the others that you're my favorite." Phil and Techno laughed and Phil opened the file to get on with the visit.

"I'll save you the reading. Technoblade, not the best parents so when they argued one time they hit me by accident. That caused brain damage which caused me to be illiterate so I'm currently re-learning how to read and write." Phil nodded at the information Techno gave him. What kind of parents would fight so much and so violently that their child was injured in the process?

"I'm sorry that happened to you, you don't deserve that."

"You can't control my parents' mistakes."

"Yeah, but I can still feel bad and do my best to make it better while here. I can't control people, I can't make them happy or love each other but I know how to play video games and treat injuries."

"Do you know how to play team fortress 2?"

"Yeah, wanna play a round? I have time." Technoblade nodded and grabbed his computer, Phil ran out to grab his and they sat together playing.They ended up playing for 45 minutes as they were pretty evenly amazing at the game but in the end Techno won and screamed,

"Technoblade never dies!" Phil almost fell out of his spot laughing. He and Techno had become good friends in about 50 minutes because of a video game. Phil sighed knowing that he should probably go meet his last three patients.

"I should probably get ready to see the last few patients."

"Oh, well have fun, when will I see you again?"

"Well I don't work on Sundays and Today is Saturday so, probably Tuesday. I'm planning on meeting with everyone every other day so room 301-305 will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and room 306-310 will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday."

"I'll see you later Philza, remember your computer when you come to my room next time." Phil smiled, ruffled Techno's hair, and handed him one of his multiple plushies. Techno smiled and grabbed the stuffed pig and waved goodbye.

Phil left the room and put his computer back into his office. He decided that now was probably a good time to go on lunch so he grabbed his lunch bag and texted his wife to ask if she was free. It turned out that she was so Phil and Kristin talked together about how their days went and how the cooking thing was gonna work with Niki.

Kristin found it hilarious that there were already at least 3 kids that had just claimed him as their father and Phil loved it. After lunch had eventually ended, Phil made his way down the hallway to room 308 and opened the door.

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