time flies when your timer ticks down

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As Phil promised he checked up on George the next morning. Aside from being a little shaken up both literally and figuratively, he was fine. George asked Phil if they could go see Niki so he could apologize for not showing up. Phil agreed, knowing that George could easily do it himself but just wanted someone to be there for morale support.

"Hey Niki, I'm sorry I never came down yesterday."

"It's ok, here you both should have breakfast with me." Niki grabbed out two containers that had all of the leftovers from the night before. They both accepted and sat down on the chairs near Niki's bed. Phil ended up helping set up her feeding tube but in the end they all ate breakfast together.

The day continued like normal, Phil checked in with patients, brought Tommy down to lunch. Played team fortress 2 with Techno in the common room. Phil took everyone on his floor out to walk around the outside of the hospital.

Everyone quickly warmed up to Phil being there, he was kind and cared about them so they all looked up to him. Phil had jokingly said that they should set up a day, once or twice a week where they all did something after dinner like they did yesterday. It was decided that every Tuesday they would all meet in the common room and decide what to do from there as Tuesday was the only day that didn't really interfere with one or two people's treatment.

Nothing noteworthy happened in the days to pass other than Quackity having chemo and throwing up which caused Sapnap who was there for morale support to also throw up due to his weak stomach.

In some magical way it was already Tuesday again, everyone went through their day and met up in the common room to decide what to do. They talked for a while until they decided to put the staff up against each other in a minecraft tournament.

"I'm gonna win." CaptainSparklez said with confidence.

"As long as I don't encounter a baby zombie, I'll come out victorious."

"Yeah, yeah old man." Sam, who was the youngest of the staff said.

"I'm just here because I was told to, if I win it will be to spite whoever cheers for you guys." Puffy mentioned. There was a very high atmosphere, everyone was cheering and yelling. Emotions were high and then all of a sudden.


"Wilby!" Tommy screamed. Phil threw the controller down and ran over. He grabbed Wilbur and rushed him back to his room. Wilbur's heart had spiked to 190bpm and he was barely breathing. An oxygen mask was placed over his head as Jordan ran in to help.

"Is he ok?"

"His heart spiked dangerously high, if he doesn't calm down fast, we could lose him." Phil spoke with tears flowing down his eyes. Phil rubbed Wilbur's back trying to calm him down and Jordan hugged him.

"As long as it doesn't stop then we should be fine. I'll keep an eye on him as that's all we can do right now. Go calm Tommy down." Phil agreed and hugged Wilbur. As he shut the door he could hear Jordan humming a song to Wilbur.

As soon as Phil got back to the common room he realized that while everyone was still there, the mood had died and Puffy and Sam were scrambling to find something to do to cheer everyone back up. Tommy locked eyes with Phil and made motion for Phil to come pick him up. Phil held the boy close.

"Is Wilbur ok?" Tommy asked, voice breaking.

"Oh Tom's. He'll be fine, he just got a little too excited."

"Can I see him?"

"How about this, for now we continue playing games but if at bedtime you want to see him, I'll let you and Techno sleep with him."

"Ok." Phil sat down and told everyone that everything would be fine. Tommy sat in his lap and Techno cuddled up against his side. Soon enough everyone was cuddling around the three adults that were in the room.

"How about a movie?" Phil asked, picking up the remote. Everyone agreed so he put on Tangled. Throughout the course of the movie everyone fell asleep except for Phil and Sam so they started to pick everyone up and bring them to their rooms. Once Puffy, Tommy, and Techno were left they woke up Puffy and picked Tommy and Techno up. Puffy headed out to go home and Sam and Phil placed the boys in Wilbur's bed. Sam left needing to get home because of his dog.

"Your wife will be here soon, correct?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah but I messaged her saying I might be out a little late."

"Good to think ahead." There was silence for a while other than the soft snores that the boys let out and Wilbur's oxygen mask.

"Is he better?"

"Yeah, he calmed down pretty fast but didn't wake up yet."

"Should we keep the mask on?"

"I can't decide, I don't want him to be unable to breathe if we take it off but I don't want to hurt him if he doesn't need it."

"Test it, take it off and see if he can continue breathing without it." Jordan listened to what Phil said and took the mask off of Wilbur. His breaths were uneven at first but quickly improved.

"Whoever gets here first tomorrow should check on him." They nodded in agreement and Phil smiled knowing that the boy he cared about was going to be ok.

In the morning Phil got there early to check on Wilbur. He entered the room and noticed that all three boys were awake. He opened the blinds to Wilbur's room and hugged all of the boys.

"How are you feeling mate?"


"Yeah, you caused quite the scare."

"M' sorry."

"It's alright, just take it easy today. Ok?"

"Yeah, ok."

Sam brought all three boys breakfast and talked to Phil for a bit. Wilbur quickly popped his head into the common room to show everyone he was ok, then went back to bed. It scared Phil that Wilbur wasn't feeling 100%, to be fair it was understandable that he wasn't, but it was still scary.

The rest of the day was luckily quiet during everything other than Tubbo bruising his hand because he tried to hit a piece of medal. Once Phil got he quickly went to sleep to try and avoid any more worried thoughts.

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