the end

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Wilbur's parents never showed up to his funeral, there were 23 people there, that was everyone in the hospital group including the staff and Kristin. Unlike Tommy, Wilbur was a teenager and had a lot to his name, so his parents sent all of the stuff to the hospital and said 'here'.

Everyone was given something of his, Technoblade was the one who distributed them as he knew Wilbur longest and matched the item with the meaning and gave it to someone. Techno kept Wilbur's yellow sweater and the bracelet that matched his own.

Phil said he didn't want anything but Techno decided to go against that, he gave Phil Wilbur's guitar and a photo. In the photo a younger Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno were playing uno and drinking milkshakes.

"How long have you known them?"

"Tommy, for two or three years. He was in a class that I volunteered in and we just kinda kept him. For Wilbur though, since kindergarten, we did everything together. Everyone thought we were twins so we made it a joke that we were and everyone got confused." Techno smiled at the fond memories. Phil was amazed that by some chance three friends would somehow manage to get ill and have to live in the hospital together.

"You're being discharged tomorrow morning Techno."

"Yeah, I don't want to go back, that place isn't my home."

"I have a gift for you before you go though. Let me go grab it." Phil went and grabbed the gift. After a long conversation with Kristin and a lot of paperwork, it was officially settled. He handed the gift to Techno and waited for him to open it. The moment Techno read the papers he read them again.

"You're adopting me?!" Techno yelled.

"Surprise." Techno hugged Phil and cried. Phil hugged the boy back and smiled.

"Your 'ex-parents' sent us all of your stuff along with some of Wilbur and Tommy's things that weren't sent, so your room has already been set up. I'm gonna stay here with you tonight and then we can go home and eat breakfast." Techno laughed at the whole 'ex-parents' thing.

"Thank you so much Phil or Dad I guess." Phil laughed and hugged him.

"Call me whatever you want, I don't mind."

"Ok old man.'' Phil let a sad noise out and Techno immediately started to apologize. The day passed quickly as Jordan and Phil prepared a goodbye party for the afternoon. It was official that the three patients they had would go and they would get a new group. Balloons were scattered all around the common room and the three boys came in.

"Surprise!" Phil and Jordan yelled.

"Don't scare me like that, or else I'm not gonna be able to leave." Sapnap joked. Everyone smiled and ate cake until the sun set. Techno fell asleep with his head resting on Phil's lap and Jordan took a bunch of photos to send to the hospital group chat that they made.

In the morning Phil and Techno waved goodbye as Sapnap and Purpled were picked up and left. Phil ruffled Techno's hair and smiled.

"You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Let's go home." And they did, and Kristin made a huge breakfast that they ate while talking about a million things.

"What do you like to do as a hobby, Techno?" Kristin asked.

"I like to hike, I guess." Everyone in the hospital took an online learning class and Techno at 17 had officially graduated early from it. So with no School, they tried their best to balance work and spending time with Techno.

It became a common thing that every Sunday they would go on a hike and on the other days Techno went to work with one of them and helped out. One Sunday they decided to take a short hike to see some kind of pretty view. Techno decided he wanted a picture of him and his parents but he wanted it to be better than the selfies that he had taken.

"Need your picture taken?" A familiar voice asked.

"Sam! It's been a long time." After Tommy and Wilbur died, Sam had decided to leave the medical field and become an athlete. Sam nodded and hugged Techno and said hello to the others.

"Now last thing I remember, you were supposed to leave the hospital. What's with the whole hiking with the hospital people?"

"These are my parents." Techno said proudly. Sam smiled and congratulated them on the adoption. Sam's dog also seemed happy as she jumped onto Techno and started licking him.

"Ahhh no puppy, I need to take a picture please." Sam laughed and called his dog over. Techno handed Sam the camera and stood next to his parents.

"Ok, let's get a silly one." Phil gave Kristin and Techno bunny ears and laughed. Sam gave Techno his phone back and said goodbye. Techno had really liked the photo taken that day so he asked to print it, a week later Phil gave him the printed photo and Techno put it in his empty picture frame.

"It completes it nicely." Kristin said.

"Yeah, it makes the wall look complete." Phil agreed.

"Thank you mom, thank you dad."

"We love you kiddo."

"I love you guys too."

And with that Techno's wall was filled with happy smiling people, some from his past but the one that mattered was the newest one. A happy family, that's what Techno always wanted and that's what he had now. He kept an old necklace of Tommy's around his neck and always wore Wilbur's sweater. No matter where he went, he had everyone he loved right next to his heart.

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