The end of a day

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Phil had made it to the last room of the day. It was another shared room with two boys slightly older than Tommy. Phil opened the door to room 309-310 and smiled in greeting. The two boys looked up and smiled back at Phil.

"Hello! You have a very nice hat." A boy with black and white hair said.

"Thank you, no one has said anything about my hat today, it means a lot." Phil smiled happy that someone noticed his favorite hat, being all day it went unnoticed even when he was playing video games for almost an hour with Technoblade.

"If Tommy noticed it, he would have stolen it." The other boy with fluffy brown hair and a green shirt said.

"He borrowed my lab coat for a while because he thought it was too cold."

"What's your name mr. cool hat, I'm Ranboo."

"I'm Philza, nice to meet you Ranboo."

"I'm Tubbo or Toby but Tommy says to 'stick to the U's'!" He yelled while falling out of his bed.

"Well hello Tubbo." Phil greeted while walking over to put Tubbo back into his bed and make sure he was ok. Tubbo was fine and giggled when Phil picked him up.

"Let's get you guys checked up on, who wants to go first."

"Make Ranboo do it, I need to make sure I trust you before you touch me."

"Ok, but just so you know Tommy calls me Dadza so if you trust your friend then you should trust me." Phil opened his file as he walked towards Ranboo. Amnesia, he doesn't remember anything in his past and sometimes forgets things even after he can remember stuff again.

"How has your memory been kiddo?"

"Uh- ok I guess, I still can't remember my past but the others have been helping me find ways to remember what's going on currently."

"What kind of methods work for you?"

"Usually I write down everything in my notebook, like people or things that I think are worth remembering."

"A book? And this works, what if you can't write it down in time? "

"Yeah, it's called the memory book and I usually am able to finish all my writing but if not I can just ask whoever I'm with because they will know."

"Smart. Thanks for answering, your book sounds very nice, tell me if you ever need more paper or pencils."

"Thank you Philza." Phil smiled and nodded. He walked back towards Tubbo and checked the file. Toby, has diabetes, likes to eat sugar so is commonly sick and being put on bed rest along with going through dialysis a few times in the past.

"Tubbo, have you been eating good?"

"I may have eaten a pudding cup this morning but other than that I've been good."

"Healthy sugars Toby, you can't be eating all this bad stuff. I heard from Quackity that there were really good strawberries." Now Alex didn't say anything about the strawberries, he just asked for them but Phil could tell that Tubbo was the kind of kid that needed his friends to be the influence so he told a small lie.

"Ok Philza, Big Q always knows best, it's probably because he's bald."

"Ew bald people." Phil laughed at the boy's responses and nodded to Tubbo.

"With no hair comes great responsibility." Neither of the boys really understood the joke but they still laughed because Philza laughed while saying it. There was a knock on the door and Sam entered with two trays of food on a cart.

"Here is your guy's dinner." Both of the boys muttered some kind of thanks and Phil heard Sam whisper to Ranboo.

"If you want dessert later just come down, we heard about the pudding so we don't want to tempt Tubbo farther." Ranboo nodded and said goodbye as Sam exited the room with the cart.

"Well I'm gonna go guys, have a great dinner and don't eat pudding tomorrow, get me Tubbo."

"Yeah whatever 'dad'"

"Bye bye Philza." Ranboo waved.

"Bye Ranboo" And he walked out.

Phil quickly went by to Eret's room and grabbed the list, he felt as if it was too short so he added a few more things to it. By the time he finished his records and packed everything up it was 8:30pm. Right before he pressed the button to the elevator he decided to go tell Tommy goodnight and make sure Alex got his sleeping meds.

Phil quietly entered Tommy's room and saw the kid trying to reach over his bed and close the blinds. Phil went over and did it for him and hugged the boy.

"Good night kiddo, sleep well." Tommy hugged Phil and let him put blankets over him.

"Good night Dadza." And with that Tommy fell asleep.

Phil quietly moved out of the room and entered Quackity's room.

"Hey, did you get your sleeping meds?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda half asleep right now."

"Well sleep well, I'll see you probably on monday."

"Ok, see you." Alex yawned and his head hit the pillow.

Phil decided to tell the others goodnight as well. Niki hugged him and told him to tell his wife that she is very nice and then fell asleep. Techno made Phil tuck him in with all of his stuffed animals and fell asleep while Phil was in the process of doing so. Wilbur hugged Phil and fell asleep in his arms so Phil carefully put him back in bed. Eret was already asleep so Phil left a quick note telling Eret to have a good day tomorrow. Tubbo and Ranboo were trying to fall asleep but neither were successful so Phil read them a short story and hugged them good night. Finally Dream and George were half asleep talking about something called 'manhunt' so Phil told them to go to bed and he put on a mask to hug them both goodnight.

Philza walked out of the hospital and waved goodbye to Puffy who was also leaving. Kristin picked Phil up and he told her about his day. By the time they got home it was about 9:30pm so they showered, and went to bed. Phil couldn't wait for the next days with his patients.

(I made this longer because the last chapter sucked, I also didn't know what to do so I spent like 2 hours writing this)

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