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As if his rejection wasn't enough to make me feel like a loser, he made sure to really drive the point home by not calling or texting me. It's been about two weeks since the date and all I've gotten was radio silence. Not even an apology for making me feel like shit.

But that's fine. I don't even care. Who wants to date someone who can turn into such an ass at the flip of a switch for no reason. Just because I wanted to go to his house to have sex because he had a small, stupid car and I couldn't get my fucking jeans off in there without looking like an idiot.

My brother, Conrad was concerned when I came home kind of crying, but I just made up some excuse and went to bed. I'm doing my best to not think about Harry at all, but I'll admit, that's easier said than done. Everyone thinks I'm fine and over him, but I'm just confused and don't know how we went from getting along great to not even talking because he rejected me.

But it's probably for the best. He obviously wasn't too ashamed of his past juvenile record and there's still something really shady about him that was only solidified in my brain when he refused to take me home.

My lunch break sneaks up on me pretty quickly, but thankfully I notice the clock before it's too late to go. I quickly mark myself as away at lunch on my computer and get up to head out. The office building is kind of in the heart of the city, so there are lots of places around that I love to eat at.

But for some reason, I find myself going to the parking lot and getting into my car instead of walking to one of my favorite spots to eat. God, this is a bad idea.

Fine Lines is about a ten minute drive from the office. I know I shouldn't be doing this, and maybe he's not even working today. But I just need to stick up for myself. So, I park the car in a space across the street and take a deep breath before confidently walking in.

Corrine is sitting at the front desk, and she smiles when she sees me, but I can see behind her that I've already caught Mitch's attention and he's averting his gaze. So Harry has talked to his friends about me. I focus on Corrine though.

"Hi, Devon, right? What brings you in today?"

I smile a bit, "Yeah. I was just wondering if Harry was working today? I had a quick question about some tattoo thing..." I lie, and I know it sounds like a lie because I really didn't have an excuse coming in here.

"I'll go see if he's available to talk." She smiles, before walking to the back toward his office.

I sigh, tapping my nails against the surface of the acrylic desk as I wait for her to inevitably come back and say Harry doesn't want to see me. Which is fine, I don't even know why I'm here. Maybe I should just leave so if he does come out to see me, he'll feel rejected like I was. Am I overreacting?


When I look up, Mitch is closer now. He leans against the wall, but I can't read his face so I don't know what Harry told him about me. "Hi..."

He's quiet for a second, crossing his arms slightly. It's not making me feel uncomfortable, but it's awkward as fuck. He's definitely intimidating, but I'm just doing my best to ignore him staring at me.

Granted, I probably stick out like a sore thumb. I'm wearing a pink power suit set with a white shirt underneath. The blazer part is slightly oversized and I have white heels on to match. It fits in with the vibe at the office, but definitely not here at the tattoo shop. But I just keep my head up high and keep my confidence up. I'm the wronged woman here.

Mitch continues to curiously take me in, probably wondering what Harry ever saw in me to agree to go on a date with me. Finally, the door to his office opens again, but instead of Corrine coming out to tell me to get off the property, it's Harry.

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