twenty eight

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I've been busying myself with Christmas shopping to keep my mind off of how bad things are with Harry. We've barely talked since dinner with my parents, and I only come over when the girls ask to see me. Neither of us have talked about what happened with my dad, but I know we need to.

I've still been getting them Christmas presents though, and we're planning on seeing each other for Christmas Eve. I just really hope we can work past this and talk before then so the holidays are good for the girls. I just want them to be happy and feel loved. But I know that if this doesn't work out, they're going to take it hard. So we have to talk about this.

My mom keeps apologizing for my dad's behavior, but I know he won't apologize. And I won't accept any apology or offer my own unless I hear it from him. And I know Harry feels the same way. It kills me to know that he was so hurt by my father, and I just want him to know I love him.

But something tells me this isn't going to work, and that thought kills me.

Getting back into the car, I put the bags in the backseat. With a sigh, I grab my phone from my bag, calling Harry's number. I can't keep being the person to reach out.

"Hello?" he sighs when he picks up.

"Hey, Harry. Are you busy? I was hoping we could talk..."

He sighs again, and I could hear some clicks on his computer before he talks. "I'm free for an hour at the shop if you want to come by."

"Okay great, I'll be there in like ten minutes."

He agrees and I hang up, taking a second to breathe before driving over to the shop. We can't break up before Christmas. We can't break up at all.

We just need to talk and fix things. He may think that I'm trying to manipulate him when I'm telling him I love him, but he needs to know that I'm not. I just came out the other day because I really mean it. I love him.

The car is parked when I get to the shop, and I take a deep breath before getting out to go inside. Corrine let's me know that Harry's in his office, but I walk over to Mitch first since he's not busy. "Hey." My voice is low out of nerves.

He looks up, nodding. "Hey, H is in the office." He tells me and I nod.

"I know. How is he though?"

Mitch's brows furrowed a bit but he shrugs, "I mean, he's been better, but doing fine I guess. Why?"

"Just... Dinner with my family was horrible and it didn't end well... I think he's upset with me to be honest..."

He frowns a bit, shaking his head. "I don't think so. He still talks about you a bunch, all good things. I'm sure he's bummed about how things went with your family, but I think it'll be okay. You just have to talk with him." He assures me, and I nod slightly. "Don't panic. Just talk and be honest. He wants to be with you, Dev."

For once, Mitch actually succeeds in calming me down. Usually all he does is cause me so much fucking anxiety, but his words really do make me feel better. Harry still talks about me to him, so maybe it's just a rough patch. I can't just go right to all these bad thoughts all the time with him. He's a good guy.

"Thank you, Mitch. I'm gonna go talk to him now." I smile a bit, and he nods as I turn to go over to Harry's office.

I knock on the door once before cracking the door open and peaking in. Harry looks up, but smiles really beautifully when he sees it's me. "There you are. Got worried for a second there."

Slipping through the door, Harry gets up, meeting me to greet me with a kiss. This feels... normal. I kiss him back, smiling at him when he pulls away. "You're really happy today." I point out, and he nods.

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