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To nobody's surprise, Oakley requested another Elmo themed birthday party. Harry tried to convince her to do something cooler, since he already has to look at Elmo every single day, but Oakie is definitely stubborn and knows what she wants. She definitely gets that from her father.

I made sure to keep it a more subtle Elmo theme. It's more centered around the character Abby, who's a fairy, so there are little fairy wings for her and her little friends to use and most importantly, Harry doesn't have to deal with Elmo everywhere he turns. There is still an Elmo on the cake though, because he's Oakley's favorite.

We had signed Oakley up for some baby ballet classes in September, so she's got a couple little friends who we were able to invite over. Annika was also able to invite some friends from school, but other than that it's a pretty low key party since we have to have it indoors. Obviously the family came to celebrate Oakie, and I met Jamie's parents for the first time. It didn't go so great, mostly because I think they don't like that Harry was with Jamie for like three and a half years, had two kids with her and never proposed, but he knew me for less than that and married me.

I didn't let them get to me though because I just can't imagine the constant heartache they must be feeling about Jamie being gone. It can't be easy seeing your grandkids call another woman mom, especially so soon after. I just try to stay out of their way, mostly sticking to Mitch and Sarah. The girls' godmother Cristina didn't like me much either, but I know she was Jamie's best friend so I don't blame her.

Today's about Oakley, and I don't even like being the center of attention to begin with. I'll happily blend into the background and watch the girls all run around in fairy wings and play games.

Looking over at Harry as he talks to some other parents, I can't help but laugh a bit. Somehow the girls managed to get him into a pink shirt that has white polka dots. He tried to style it to look cool with rolled up sleeves and leaving it half buttoned, but he just threw on some black pants and called it a day. He also had to wear a pink flower crown, since he has to be a fairy too.

Mitch looks over in the direction I am, laughing too. "I don't know how you did it, Dev. He's just so different, but in a good way. Like, he's grown up." He comments, and I smile over at him.

"I don't know either. I think he's always had a soft spot for the girls, but that he felt like everyone else expected him to be a certain way because of his reputation. But I wasn't the biggest fan of said reputation, so I just got to know him. And I think he needed that." I ponder, looking over at Mitch.

He nods, still looking at Harry. "You know, when he came back from that first date, he called me like, panicking when he got home and said that he went on that date with the girl from the shop, and that he really liked her, but he fucked it all up. And I asked what he meant, and he said that he didn't tell you about the girls. He just panicked and shut you out, but that he regretted it. I had never seen him act that way about a girl before. He's always been the cool, 'if you like me, fine, if not I don't care' kind of guy. Like even with Jamie, they would get into fights all the time over the stupidest shit, like his hair, or his tattoos, and he would brush her off, or just do whatever to shut her up. And between her and you, he would go out and mess around without a care in the world if these girls knew about the kids or not. But he cared so deeply from the beginning about you." He explains, and I just can't help but smile.

"If I'm being honest, I thought he was like a drug dealer or something." I admit, and Mitch cracks up laughing. I grin, "It's true! I was convinced that you guys sold drugs in the back, but like, believe it or not I already liked him so much that I wouldn't have cared? I mean, I would have, but at the time I didn't expect that Harry would be the guy I married."

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