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My right boob has been so sore since it was pierced, but I've been making sure to keep it super clean and safe. The last thing I want is an infection that like causes my nipple to fall off or something. But I must admit, I feel like a million times sexier and I find myself just standing in the mirror staring at my tits all day.

Harry likes them too, loves them really. His schedule got really crazy again so I haven't got to see him in person, but he's always asking for pictures and I'm more than happy to provide them. It's been over a week since I got to see him in person though, and I fucking miss him like crazy.

I miss his smile and his kisses. I miss the way he says my name and hearing him call me pretty girl. The way he touches me and pleasures me. I just miss everything about him. I've never felt such a deep and urgent ache in my heart before, and it's all just because I desperately miss him. Maybe I'm just being needy since we haven't fucked in a while, but I mean, no guy has ever gotten off just by going down on me.

Everyday it seems like work gets slower and slower. Especially today since I'm planning to go see him today. Hopefully he's working at the shop until late so I could at least get a kiss and see his face in person.

A lot of the slow down has to do with the fact that we're kind of in a lull right now between seasons. I'm mostly just doing research for next season and gathering as much information as I can. Less working with the senior level directors and more just sitting at my desk all day alone waiting for five o'clock to roll around so I could go home. Since I'm so early to start my research, I've been spending most of my day in my office, online shopping and reading pop culture news articles.

Sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing something I love, like reading a gossip piece about what celebrities are cheating on who, I'll realize how different Harry and I are. Yeah, he's super sweet and has a warm interior, but his interests are definitely fitting to his exterior. He loves rock music and sex and he's into tattoos and piercings. He loves to talk about his art and wears all black all the time, maybe an occasional grey or red.

And here he is, dating me. I wear colorful pants suits and dresses and watch reality tv and listen to whatever music is popular. I keep up with trends, even outside of work and I'm always trying to get Harry to let me play with his hair and add at least some white to his wardrobe that isn't just a fitted white tee.

I know everyone says opposites attract, but we are pretty extreme opposites. Then again, he has this gentle side to him that only I see when we're alone in the privacy of a bedroom. He likes head scratches when I have my nails done and he always falls asleep to the sound of my voice. He'll lay in between my legs, resting his head on my lower abdomen for hours, just pressing kisses to my thighs as we talk about whatever comes to mind.

Sometimes in those moments, I can't believe I haven't known him my whole life. I can't believe I've gone twenty six years without knowing him. And now he's here and he's just so perfect for me. I can see him being mine forever, and I hope I'm his forever.

I look up when my work friend, Alex, comes into my office, immediately plopping down on one of the chairs in front of my desk with a sigh. "The day from hell. Got any snacks?"

"Hello to you too." I tease, reaching into the basket under my desk to toss him a bag of chips. "Why the day from hell?"

Alex is one of the senior directors now, but he only just got promoted. He claims I'm next on the list to get promoted, only I'm not sure if I want to take it or try and find a new job. This company has been great, no questions asked, but it's definitely not going anywhere special as much as I hate to say it, and career-wise, I have enough experience to find a new job at a better, more successful brand. And more importantly, I'll get paid a hell of a lot more. Plus I like being on the creative side and being paid to be ahead of the trends.

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