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The Adventures of the Wildflowers

June 12th

Today was our third day in London, and you two had a blast getting to see where your dad grew up. It was so fun getting to see you two playing in the playground I used to as a child, with all your little cousins you've finally gotten to meet. Oakley, you loved getting to try some british snacks, and Annika, you loved seeing daddy's old house. I'm so excited to spend some more time with you both in London, and I know you'll just love to come back in the future.

There is someone new I must write about though. We'll call this person Sprout for now. Mum found out she's having a baby today! She surprised me just now before bed with the news, and I just want little Sprout to know just how excited we are to get to meet him or her. When we get back to the States we'll get to see the baby probably, which is very exciting. Mum and Dad are definitely nervous, but super happy and excited. I'll admit, daddy cried when mum told him. We don't know when we'll tell you wildflowers about little Sprout, but we're very excited for yet another winter baby.

Love you lots, Daddy.

June 29th

Hello Wildflowers! We didn't get to do much today. We got to collect flowers from the garden, and mummy's been feeling sick because of Sprout. We got to see the little seedling this morning, though! As suspected, baby is due in February, so I'm guessing that will always be a busy month for us. We still haven't told you two yet, but we're putting a plan together. I think Annika knows already though, since she's always sneaking around our conversations. Naughty girl.

Today Oakley lost Molly in the garden for a bit, but was luckily able to find her. Fish was terribly worried.

Daddy xx

July 4th

Happy Independence Day, Wildflowers! You two had the best day in Mitch's pool for the barbeque, and ate your weight in burgers, hot dogs, and chips. Surprised you had room for dessert! Oakley pushed Uncle Mitch in the pool, even though he didn't have his bathing suit on. Luckily, his phone wasn't in his pocket.

Mummy and Daddy got to sit with you both and talk about the United States and how sometimes, people are judged by the way they look. It was a bit confusing for Oakley, but both of you now know that there are issues with the way this country works, and that you're the future of this country. Annika says she wants to help as much as she can, and that made Daddy proud. Mum and I can only hope that you two (and sprout) can help fix the injustices that are plaguing this country and it's laws. But until then, we will help raise you to be able to see your privilege and find ways to make small changes. We have no doubts you'll change the world, wildflowers.

We believe in you, Daddy.

August 14th

Today we visited your mummy. She's been gone 3 years now. I miss her very much, and wish she could see the beautiful women you both are becoming. We talked a lot about her.

I love you girls endlessly, Daddy.

September 7th

We told you wildflowers about Sprout today! I have never seen you so excited in my life, which was a relief. I cannot wait for the day when the three of you are all together again. We find out next week if Sprout is a boy or a girl, and don't tell mummy, but I think Sprout's a girl.

Annika also made lots of friends in the 1st grade already! She's got her first playdate with Lily tomorrow, and she is very excited about it. Oakley is a bit sad that her sister isn't going to be around after school tomorrow, but mummy promised her she'll play fairies with her, even if she's feeling sick.

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