〘 How it all started 〙

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Time Steve sat on the chair near the dining table, tapping his fingers on the table as he waited. He sat there quietly, a bit conscious of his surroundings. His brother was angry, very angry, and he left Sabre to take care of him so he could get away. He should've stayed or teleported with Sabre, but he knew that Elemental would find them every second they teleport.

"You seem lost in deep thought." 

Time raised his head and looked over to the doorway, seeing Green Thera leaning on the sideway. Time shook his head, putting his right arm on the table and leaned his head over as his hand supported it to stay up still. "It's nothing much, just stressed." Time answered, sounded a bit tired as well as his voice had a deep sound.

Thera walked over to him and sighed "Why don't you rest your head for a bit? You can sleep on my bed for the day if you like." He offered before Time looked up at him and waved his free hand. "No thanks Green, I appreciate the offer but I don't think I'll be staying in for the night." He replied as he received a nod from the Green Steve.

He looked down on the wooden table that his arm was on, closing his eyes as he sighed. 'He's in danger...' a voice whispered in his head, Time's eyes quickly opened after hearing that. 'Help him...' The voice spoke out again, Time looked at Thera who was looking out of the window on the right. 'He's in deep pain...' The voice spoke again, and Time quickly stood up.

"I need to go."


Something was wrong. Time used his power to sense Sabre, he wasn't in the village he was living in anymore. He was at the Red Kingdom, feeling a large amount of energy that he didn't feel before. Something definitely happened to Sabre.

"I uh- need to go." Time quickly walked his way over to the doorway, stopping as he looked back at Thera. "Thanks for letting me in for a short while Green." He received a smile from the Green Steve. "It's no problem at all Time, you are free to come by anytime as well with Sabre." He smiled before they both bid their goodbyes, Time quickly walked out of the house and teleported to the Red Kingdom.

He opened his eyes as the lighting died down for a bit, he was in the lab were the large table was in. What surprised him was that Professor Red was pacing back and forth, seeming so lost in his thoughts of thinking of doing something, but realizing that it was him he knew that he did something to Sabre. Time cleared his throat, getting the Red Steve's attention who had their eyes widened.

"T-Time Steve!? Heey man-"

"Where's Sabre?"

The Professor jumped from the sudden tone, quickly backing away slightly scared. "Look before you could think of anything I-"

"What did you do to Sabre?"

Time walked over to the Professor and glared. "I swear to Origin Professor, If you did something that physically hurt Sabre I will not hesitate to obliterate you into star dusts." Time threatened as the Red Steve gulped in fear silent, still backing up as he watched Time walked towards him.

"I-I didn't do anything to him! But so-something did happened to him!"

Right after the Professor said that, a scream of pain was heard in the testing room, it was like Sabre's but M's voice was heard too. It was the same room where Sabre was supposed to be tested at. Time quickly glared at the Red Steve, before turning and bolted into the room on his left. Professor followed behind as he tried to keep his cool, even though the problem what Time was going to see would make him panic.

Time quickly stepped down on the stairs, turning around as he look at the testing area where he thought it was. His eyes widened as he watched in horror of what he's seeing. It was Sabre, and M, their bodies merged together as it was also like, melting. It was like an Amalgamation of two living beings there right in front of him. They turned around slowly and saw Time Steve standing there, those earth like eye and crimson red eye stared at Time.

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