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An AU where Colle got injured from a Demon Steve that caused an infection of turning him into a Demon Steve

AU takes place on Episode 58 of Steve Legends " The Demon Steve War! "

After jumping on the Last Inferno's back, he was brought into a dark room of where he met Dread Steve again. Colle couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to leave but he heard the words of Dread saying "A new dread shall be added in you" and went on to killing the Last Inferno. After doing so the Demon Steves attacked Obsidian Captain and Colle, one managed to get to Colle and bite his shoulder and even injuring him causing him to scream out in pain.

The Obsidian Captain quickly pushed away the Demon Steve and killed him before Colle could get any hurt, but after turning to Colle, he saw him unconscious on the ground with his back full of deep cut scratches bleeding out. Seer wanted to get down on the ground and get the two of there but he was too busy rounding up all the Demon Steves to the world below so he let Obsidian Captain carry Colle to safety.

After some days after the Demon Steves have been sealed away to the World Below, Colle was still in recovery but was able to get up and do his role. The other Elites and Goggles would always try to tell him to get some rest for a while but Colle refused and just kept on doing his role. He didn't push himself though, he would take breaks so that was relieving for him.

One day while trying to get dressed, he felt something burning his skin. It didn't hurt though, but it still felt like something painful was burning in his chest. A day passed as the burning pain starts growing more painful, he only realized that the pain was coming from the mark where the Demon Steve bit him. Taking off the bandage he was in shock from what he saw.

Nether like skin spreading on his shoulders to his neck and body, some lava streaks were show as well, just like a Demon Steve's skin. He panicked from the sight, he didn't know what to do a that point.. He could try to ask Genesis, but what would he even react? Would he be scared? Would he kill Colle for becoming a Demon Steve? it was something he didn't want to risk.

Days passed again as Colle slowly isolated himself away from everyone, hiding every skin of his body as the infection spread even more. Sharp noticed Colle's behavior, soon Seer, Elite Leader, Beef and Goggles noticed too. After the infection spread even more on Colle's face and horn formed on his forehead, Colle couldn't take it anymore and fled.

This only resulted to Seer finding him after Colle after disappearing for 5 days with no traces left behind.

Seer found him in the middle of the woods, only to find out what's been going on, and Colle panicked even more. Long story short after Colle had a panicked attack, falling of a cliff edge ended up injuring himself before Seer could even save him in time.

Seer took him to Genesis' place and asked to heal him from the infection and injuries. The bruises were healed, the infection, not so well. It was a curse that was stuck on Colle's body and mind and there's isn't a cure for it.


[ Lil side note: I joked about Demon!Colle being a feral cat nights before finishing this, now its not a joke. ]

At some point Elites would take care of Colle just to make sure he won't do anything wrong when his demon side shows, but its mostly Seer would take care of him since the Elites have their own role to work

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At some point Elites would take care of Colle just to make sure he won't do anything wrong when his demon side shows, but its mostly Seer would take care of him since the Elites have their own role to work.

Only results to Colle becoming clingy to Seer.

No he didn't steal the sweater, jacket, and gloves. It was given to him since most of Colle's clothes were either lost or burned while Colle was running away.

He still has his scarf, but he doesn't want to wear it cause he doesn't want to burn the gift of the Red King.

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