〘 Accident 〙

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" Colle! Stop that! "

Colle wasn't himself at the moment, he was left alone for only 7 minutes and his demon personality started showing. Seer was not having a good time from this, getting stressful to the point Colle became violent.

Both of them were inside of the little cottage that they lived in the Obsidian Citadel, just to avoid Colle trying to hurt anyone at this kind of time. The Red Steve was just smashing every jar in the kitchen side, unaware of the things he was doing.

This only resulted to Seer trying to hold him back, trapping him in a hug from behind as he tried to calm him down. " Colle please, this is the 3rd time you've gone feral after I left you for a minute. " Seer attempted to shush him as he ruffled the Red Steve's hair.

That didn't calm Colle down.

" Seer, get off! " Colle growled as he struggled to release from Seer's grip, the other was trying hard to not let go of him. " I am not letting you go, one moment later if I did the Obsidian Captain would call help because you are attacking the Obsidian Steves "

Colle's horn lit up with a small flame, it was showing his fury.

" I SAID- " Colle was successfully released from Seer's arm, turning around as his sharp claws on his hand rose.

" GET OFF! "

Seer screamed as he backed up on the wooden wall, his hand over his face and his eyes closed from the sudden pain that pierced through the skin. He took a breath as he opened his eyes, bringing his hands up on his view, blood.

" N-no.... "

The Rainbow Hero looked up at the Red Steve in front him, relieved to see those ruby like eyes again. But what struck him hard was Colle's voice, letting that hint of Colle noticing what he'd done.

" S-seer, I- I'M SO SORRY! " panicked, The Red Steve quickly ran over to Seer, lava poured down from his cries as it if was his tears, smoke was seen along with the flame in the horn to blow out. " I- I didn't, m-mean to! I- sorry! " Colle couldn't speak properly from what he's done. He hurt his friend and he regretted it and blamed himself.

Seer stood properly as he cupped Colle's face, wiping the tears from his left eyes instead of the right. " Don't cry Colle, I know you didn't mean to. " Seer comforted the Elite who still continued to cry.

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