✮〖 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝙰𝚄 〗✮

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An Au where Sabre can change into different types of colors with a necklace he wears

After Red Steve showed him the closed doors and Sabre opens them, a shiny necklace stood on the middle of the room in a glass box and a golden sign written under the box read out "Only those who fight and defend, shall wear this jewelry of gift through the end.". Red Steve tries to open the box but it only shock him with lightning (he didn't die), Sabre being an idiot, opened the box but didn't get harmed.

He took the necklace and stared at it before putting it on despite the protests that Red was telling him. Darkness started to spawn in and started to attack Sabre but him and Red managed to get out of the doors before it closed on them, leaving the darkness trapped in the locked room. It was quite a questioning day for them after witnessing that but they shrugged it off with Sabre wearing the necklace.

A few days passed after that day, Sabre felt a bit odd after wearing the necklace. He didn't take it off after the day he wore it and its been bugging him that he has the urge to wear it forever. He was home alone in the Red Steve's house for the night and he felt an odd energy, even though he was confused why he was feeling it. He told himself that he was getting sick and would probably tell Red about it for some medicine.

But he glanced on the mirror on his room and was in shock, his hair slowly had a red fade to orange streak on his hair and his ears became pointy. There was also a small red-orange star on his left cheek that was glowing. He panicked even more that the pearl necklace of his started to glow rainbow, he tries to take it off but for some reason it was stuck in him. Red Steve soon came back home and heard some loud noises were coming from Sabre's room, an explosion was heard and he quickly ran there. 

When he entered his room, some smoke came to his and he saw Sabre on the floor unconscious. His hair was back to brown but it had some color streaks on each side of his hair. His pearl necklace turned rainbow and a some of his clothing had a rainbow like lining.

After Red healed him and bandaged him up, he immediately thought of something that includes the pearl necklace they took. He started to get some research about it. Sabre being still new about what's happening to him, he kept on switching in each color in panic, his appearance would change as well and was basically trying to stop. But after calming down he was turned back into his own self but the rainbow streaks were still there.

It repeats after a week before Sabre became stuck on being a Orange Steve for a while, which made Red have an idea, planning on making his friend Orange Steve meet Sabre and help him out with being a Orange Steve while he figures out how to make Sabre change back into his own self again.

It repeats after a week before Sabre became stuck on being a Orange Steve for a while, which made Red have an idea, planning on making his friend Orange Steve meet Sabre and help him out with being a Orange Steve while he figures out how to make S...

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Sabre never told anyone that he can turn into a chromatic to anyone except Red Steve. He has different names on each chromatic he turns into so his existence of being a non-steve won't be revealed.

Red - Anka
Orange - Citrine
Yellow - Leo
Green - Raphael
Blue - Azulite
Indigo - Matt
Violet - Lavender

Sabre Chromatics information:
Once Sabre can turn into one of his chromatic forms, his personality will change, not because that he has a choice really. His chromatics are their own persons too.

Anka has a dull emo personality, rather would stay out of trouble from everything. He's usually scary whenever he stares at you, and rarely smiles. He would sometimes glare if you don't let him be alone, but that only happens if you annoy him too much. He's that guy that would literally get you out of trouble but at the same time, the trouble maker.

Citrine is the soft and lost child, very curious about everything (mainly cause Red introduced Citrine to his Orange Steve friend and told them they don't know a lot of themselves). He would often gets lost everyday in a village, mainly cause he gets distracted a lot. A little clingy, soft spoken and very caring. Maybe the mom friend in the group.

Leo is basically very hyper of everything. He would run around the Yellow Village and give out flowers to everyone. His yellow and two black-striped resembled him to be like a bee. He would get so hyper all of the sudden that he would call a new person he sees a friend and would call them flower names (e,g. Orange = Marigold). That one kid that has a huge energy ready to burst out whenever he feels so happy or excited.

Raphael is very cold and doesn't talk much to anyone, he's usually the grouchy one. Never smiles, tries to but looks terrifying. He also has his emerald trident with him at all costs, he would pull it out whenever someone dares to get near him, even if someone he knew and cared would get scared by him from doing that. He's really rude but does have a heart, just never shows his soft side.

Azulite is very conscious of his surrounding and would often cling on someone whether he wants them to speak for him. He's very clumsy and would prolly lose a lot of good stuff with him (even though he would keep it somewhere, don't worry he's just 'borrowing it' for the night). Very forgetful and naive, he's very clueless of everything. Gets often confused when being flirted and would sometimes be very oblivious of every obvious signs of love given to him. He can also sing but gets very shy and awkward when someone would watch him.

Matt is observing and quiet, that one guy that would fight using words other than swords. He's pretty much a party pooper in the group. Would bring his hand bag that is filled with books because he's a bookworm, he enjoys a lot of books that involve action and adventure and sometimes would ready novel. Has a cyan colored glasses but only wears them when he reads. Never talks, very quiet, but would speak up if its something serious or something he should really respond.

Lavender is also a soft child, loves to make new friends and would give them hugs every minute that passed. Very clingy and will never let you go, even if you try to shove him away. He bakes a lot of cookies for everyone, sometimes pumpkin pies and cake but only in a special occasion. Would also make milkshakes, and loves allium flowers. Would sing a soft lullaby to sweet babies to sleep and would sometimes flirt (accidentally).

[ Sabre chromatics reference sheet coming soon ]

This AU doesn't have a lot of angst, or just doesn't have any at all. The story is still being planned out since this Au was made in, December 30.

But hey at least I have an Au that doesn't have angst :DD unless if I have an idea to add one that is-- Since the Darkness was still sealed off in this story-

[ The Author has signed off ]

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