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[ AU Icon still on the works ]

Dessert au time, but with a twist :)))

Oh and enjoy the full storyline of this AU, this took me 5 mins to actually imagine it and almost 2 days to write it all down.

It all would start about Colle having some weird dreams about a world filled with sweets and all, looked edible really. He would sometimes get some dreams that he would wander around the place. The dreams started to make him crave for some desserts, especially for one thing, apple pie. Sometimes Beef, Sharp and Goggles would joke about his cravings.

One day while passing in the Kingdom, Colle glanced over to the bakery on the right and instantly saw the apple pie on sale. He bought the pie and was very giddy about it really, no one questioned about but it was kind of the first time seeing Colle being that giddy.

As Colle made it in his house, he didn't hesitate to try out the pie he bought. At first it was weird but then the flavors started to kick in and he started to like it. He only ate one slice of it, thinking he should saved some for the others soon. A few minutes later he was starting to feel dizzy, he was walking towards his room but the moment he opened the door he passed out.

He wasn't aware that he was being dragged, or turned over, but once he got enough energy to open his eyes he quickly noticed 2 familiar faces above him, voices were muffled, but as he was starting to see things clearly and noticed the two figures above him was his friends, Sharp and Beef. Even noticed that the sky was bright pink, grass was a very saturated green.

They wore something formal, yet so stylish to the theme of the fruits and berries on their hats (Sharp is cherry, Beef is raspberry, idk just go with it). Even Colle himself was wearing a suit that had a theme, having an apple hairclip over his hair.

Sharp and Beef don't know Colle, just think of him as a tourist being new in the Candyland, named "Sweet Oasis" (idk just go for the name). Moving on, Beef and Sharp decided to bring Colle in the mansion- that is made by candy too- they live in since he was still dizzy and all, and introduced them to Goggles (blood orange) and Spark (strawberry)- which by the way looked familiar to Colle- who were also living with them for a while now and now Colle is gonna live with them for a while.

And, no, sadly this au is not about "oooo pretty candyland and everything looks sweet and its a wholesome au". Well- this isn't any kind of au anyone would think of, this is much more different than just a normal dessert au.

As Colle was starting to feel better and all, he would notice how whenever he asked if there was a way back to where he came from, he would often be silenced or ignored. Another thing that Colle would have to deal with is go through these activities Beef would make them do, like have tea parties, picnics, etc. Basically stuff to keep Colle busy and occupied to avoid asking them further questions. All these activities would drain Colle's energy, and on top of everything being so sugary and sweet- he would often feel dizzy.

Another thing to add is that Colle is never allowed to leave the mansion without someone accompanying him. One night, Colle decided to walk out of the house and sit out on the grass for a bit and Spark soon followed behind him. They aren't exactly close but they are in good terms, and at that night Colle would start to talk about his life in his world and how much he misses everyone. Spark then told Colle to be careful with what he says or do while being around with the others and not let the bright cherry skies blind him, Colle was about to ask what he meant but Spark looked around and whispered "are they watching us?". Colle looked confused, looked back at the house and saw one of the windows, Beef was looking down at them before closing the blinds at that second, and Spark and Colle went back inside.

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