✮〖 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚄 〗✮

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Sabre, a B-17 C class subject, is also a being that was created to test out for Geokinesis, only to come out as a failed experiment. Though the scientists still kept him and tries to figure out his worth to stay. Only at some point, putting him in some experiments made Sabre more worse and violent, enough to make Sabre murder every guard and scientist as he tries to leave but ends up falling into one of the portal machines that soon exploded after he went through.

Meanwhile being in the Steve Realm, something was happening. Deaths of Steves started to grow more and more as their dead bodies were found around near the forest outside their Kingdom. None of the Steves knew what happened to them, and has no clue why it happened. The bodies were only left with vines and many types of flowers grown on them, but still, they were left dead in the most brutal way.

Some said that there is a child going around the forest was the reason for the Steves deaths. Though that was only rumored, more info about the kid soon spread around the village. Some said he would act innocent and scared, crying in the forest and looking like he needed help. Getting near the kid would strike the point, the kid would start laughing instantly grow vines near him and stab the person. It was even said that the kid would also rip the skin, organs, or a limb out of the person's body after being stabbed.

They didn't wanna believe it and thought some monster was out there killing Steves. Thinking that some psycho kid doing this stuff would be terrifying to think and unbelievable.

One night, Orange Crystal went out in the night just to get some fresh air, only to not noticed that he was followed by someone else. When he felt being watched, he was now aware of his surroundings and noticed someone behind one of the bushes. He heard the rumors before, and he was confused why the kid was following him, though the kid didn't attack him when he came out from hiding.

The kid can't talk properly, but he did say his name or was called Sabre and Orange took note of that. They met up quite a few times during nighttime, mostly Orange trying to learn a few of Sabre's behaviors and possibly distracting him from trying to kill more Steves.

Sabre is calm whenever he was left in a peaceful and quiet field of grass and flowers and REALLY prefers it to be perfectly quiet. He would try to meditate in the field, and some vines with flowers would surround Sabre so he can try to have better control of his powers. Sometimes Sabre would grin in the creepiest way that would make Orange feel scared, but Sabre wouldn't do anything bad if he just stays in his position for a while.

It was obvious that Sabre hates loud noises, mentions also that whenever he killed someone, he would hate them when they scream (Orange took note of that so he lowers his voice every time he's around Sabre). Sabre isn't fond of animals being around, even though Gerald was around Orange, he cares less about the animals. Whenever Sabre sees a flower, he would try to grow the same one next to it.

The only thing that Orange kept in mind always is how violent Sabre will become. Normally Sabre's eyes were grey, and always grey, and whenever Sabre had the urge to murder someone his eyes will turn red. Orange will panic whenever he sees Sabre's eyes turn red and his fingers twitch, he would try to snap Sabre out of his anger and distract him to do something for him, to which Sabre will comply.

Sabre with the others:

Orange (Crystal) Steve
Sabre is often confused why he was interested in following Orange in the first place, but he just guessed he needed someone around him that can understand him for a bit. He enjoys Orange around, and although he was still learning to fix his grammar, he's glad Orange was around to at least teach him. Sabre would sometimes grow marigold flowers around Orange, that's his sign of affection.

Asher (Red Steve in the 1st ep)
He doesn't understand him, but he's kind. Asher is also sweet and funny, although he talks a lot. Sometimes Sabre has to grow and raise a vine beside him so Asher would shut up from talking, it works every time. The only thing that Sabre liked about Asher was how he helps him compose his temper, and try to relax him from stress and anger.

Time Steve
He just naturally enjoys his company, a little quiet and kind which made Sabre comfortable to be around. Even though Sabre doesn't starve to death, he enjoys trying Time's cooking a lot, mostly just like the cookies he bakes. Time would sometimes try to let Sabre be around, though is still conscious of him around. Sabre would grow lavender flowers around Time, sometimes red tulips, again it's his sign of affection.

Elemental Steve.
Hates him with a burning passion, literally started hating him ever since they both first met, and still is now. Sabre hates how loud Elemental talks, and would sometimes start to fight Elemental if he went too far. Elemental really feel uncomfortable when Sabre is around, and would very much leave the room or stay near Time whenever Sabre turns to him and grin creepily and thinks Sabre is plotting to kill him in the spot. As much as Sabre really wanted to kill Elemental, he can't, he's Time's brother.

Happy, Shy, and Funny Orange Steve
Sabre almost killed them while they were out at night they were trying to visit Orange and thought they were terrible guys, luckily Orange came by before Sabre could even hurt them three. Sabre likes Happy cause of his mood, but doesn't like him being loud and all, though they both would make flower crowns. Shy and Sabre would keep a good distance from each other, they aren't really called much for being friends but they're both trying to understand each other. Funny and Sabre, Funny would try to get to know a little bit of Sabre but Sabre isn't much of a chatterbox, but they both would get along for a short bit.

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