✮〖 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝙰𝚄 〗✮

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Colle was cursed the moment Dread Steve was destroyed by Seer, he doesn't realize it but did feel like he was pinched by a sharp needle on the back of his head the moment he woke up from facing his dread.

He didn't want to go home yet, he wanted to have some time alone from the outside world, and was glad that the Obsidian Leader lets him stay in one of the cottages they have built in their citadel. Sure Seer have to wait for a bit too, but Colle didn't mind, they both needed some time before they could go on.

Just as Colle lay on his bed and waited for him to doze off and pass out, he didn't. He guessed his insomnia managed to get him, which didn't make Colle so happy, though again he just didn't mind and thought it was just because of how he was feeling after seeing his dread.

The next day went well, Colle was already in the living room, just sitting there until Seer walked down the stairs. Surprised to see Colle awake early but quickly understood the moment Colle said he didn't get any sleep from last night.

Seer and Colle managed to get to know each other from that day, though they do tend to get into some small conversations here and there since they both wanted to spend the day quietly, Seer mostly wanted to be in his temporary room, while Colle was wandering around in the Obsidian Citadel to explore a bit of the place.

Night time came by and Seer went to bed early after dinner, Colle was next, and again he couldn't sleep. His body is tired, he was tired, but for some reason, he couldn't even close his eyes and drift off to sleep. He thought his insomnia was getting worst but if he was tired, why couldn't he just rest already?

Daytime comes by the next 8 hours, and Colle doesn't feel like he should come out of his room already. Seer went in to check on him after a while, already becoming worried the moment he saw Colle lying on his bed, and looked more horrible than usual.

Seer walked in ad asked what was wrong and Colle told him that he didn't sleep last night again, he was feeling tired but couldn't sleep. And it was confusing for Seer but suggested that he can sleep with him if it makes him feel better in some other way. Colle didn't mind and agreed to it. The day went the same, but Colle was acting so tired during the day, he barely can finish a meal itself and he's been slacking off. Thankfully the Obsidian Steves suggested Colle stay in the cottage to rest up.

As nighttime came, Seer was already asleep on the makeshift bed he made on the ground next to Colle's bed. Colle on the other hand, couldn't sleep, no matter how hard tries to keep his eyes shut and doze off to sleep, he can't. His head was aching, he could barely move at this point, and he doesn't notice that he was crying for the next hour he tries to sleep. Seer soon woke up from hearing some soft sobs and immediately saw Colle crying on his bed, and he immediately sat up and became worried.

" Colle? Hey, what's wrong? " Seer was sitting up, he only reached his hand over to Colle's face, wiping off some of the tears away as he got the Red Steve's attention. " I'm so tired... " was all that Colle could say, it was the truth yet he felt like it was unfinished and there was no context about it.

" You're tired? Can you not sleep? "

" I've tried everything. This isn't like my normal insomnia, " Colle looked up to Seer, so weak to move right now. " Something is wrong.... "

It was getting concerning, Seer had to call out to some of the Obsidian Steves to check up on Colle, but they didn't see what was wrong with him, at least not ill or injured at least. Seer only explained what was happening to Colle, couldn't sleep for 3 days straight but was so weak to move around. The medics couldn't tell he was bluffing, but they do have an off feeling about Colle's position.

Soon the Obsidian Steves called out to some of the Green Steves, Genesis suddenly heard the part of it and decided to come along as well. He expected that Colle was physically injured or just sick when they were facing Dread Steve in the Diamond Steve Citadel, but was in shock the moment he saw Colle so weak on the bed.

Seer was there, and he told everything to Genesis and to the Green Steves (and mostly told Genesis about what happened with the Dread fight), the Creator of Nature was lost in thought of what the Blue Steve told him. Not even the Green Steves could tell what was wrong with Colle, all they said was that Colle was lacking the energy to move his body and it was worrying cause Colle couldn't sleep.

Genesis Steve decided to check up on Colle's aura if it was still the same as he felt the first time they met, but it wasn't. His aura was weak and had a mixture of someone else's dark energy, something was affecting Colle, and it was slowly consuming his body like a host. The Red Steve started to tense up and yanked his hand away from Genesis and started to have a panic attack. Genesis didn't say anything cause of the sudden reaction, but at least he knows what was happening to Colle.

He was cursed, but this was something that he never knew about. It's a rare one, that's what he can think of.

It's harmless he thought, maybe the panic attack and the tense movements from Colle were just his lack of sleep. Colle maybe couldn't focus properly on the situation of what's going on as well.

Colle is struck with a curse that makes him unable to sleep. As his mind deteriorates and his closest friends struggle for an answer, he slowly loses himself to his delirium, unable to tell reality from his mind.

The Elites and Goggles have taken a step forward to take care of Colle after hearing what was happening to him. Sharp and Goggles mainly help figure out the exact information about the curse with Genesis. They have planned a schedule to help take care of Colle, staying up in the night to watch over him and make sure he's alright.

Colle, on the other hand, wasn't having it, he felt so guilty and miserable for letting all of this happen. He couldn't even handle a good conversation with anyone, he panics when he doesn't see everyone in the room with him even though he was reminded many times where they were, and he keeps having panic attacks or just tenses up from physical touch. His body was begging for him to sleep, but the stupid curse wasn't letting him sleep.

And it gets worst after days or weeks that would pass by, worst that his vision was playing tricks on him. No longer that he can see his found family's facial features, he can see them as mystical silhouettes and he quickly went mute, which was very concerning to everyone.

 No longer that he can see his found family's facial features, he can see them as mystical silhouettes and he quickly went mute, which was very concerning to everyone

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( example with how Colle sees Seer's mystical silhouette )

There is a cure to break the curse, but would they find it on time before Colle was already gone from his senses?

Honestly, I have no idea why I started to think of this kind of AU idea, it just started when I was trying to sleep at night but I was wide awake even though I was tired. Then my brain just thought "Could've been worst if this went so bad with your comfort characters huh?" and then immediately I didn't get enough sleep while thinking about ideas for that thought-

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