TWO. what are you, a gang member?

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twowhat are you, a gang member?⛓☕️tw: strong language, mentions of violence, light reference to gangs, mentions of underage drinking

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what are you, a gang member?
tw: strong language, mentions of violence, light reference to gangs, mentions of underage drinking

(season 2, ep 4 and 5)

IT WAS PEOPLE LIKE KYLER AND HIS GOONS who made beautiful creatures like scarlett forget that they were beautiful

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IT WAS PEOPLE LIKE KYLER AND HIS GOONS who made beautiful creatures like scarlett forget that they were beautiful. girls grow up in a world where they are labeled as sex objects from the moment they grow boobs. even way before that. they get unwanted attention for just existing. scarlett would remember walking down the halls and hearing a random guy say something sexual about her body even when she was wearing a sweater and jeans that weren't even ripped. and it made her feel gross.

she let them tell her her mouth was only made for kissing. her body was only made for their pleasure. her beautiful long locks were only made for them to pull as they violated her. she let the girls who hated other girls slut shame her. call her a cunt, a slut, a whore, a bitch. every name in the book. she let them talk all the shit they wanted and she sat there and listened. then she went home crying to her mother and sister and screaming at the top of her lungs.

once she was at a party and this guy who was a little too drunk started to speak to her. but everything went left and the next thing she knew his hand was trailing up her thigh and she realized she was about to be raped. she screamed and the word "no" poured out from her lips. she screamed until her throat was raw. all he was able to do was grope her until someone heard her over the loud music and pulled him off.

Kiss With A Fist ♱ Eli Moskowitz Where stories live. Discover now