SIXTEEN. chaotic trio's and kisses?

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SIXTEENchaotic trio's and kisses?

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chaotic trio's and kisses?

tw: strong language, mentions of injury, mentions of nudity, and light jokes about death?

(season 3, ep 6)
part one

COBRA KAI (season 3, ep 6)part one

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     "I HATE THIS. THIS IS RIDICULOUS." Miguel groaned. Scarlett was at Johnny's house. She came mostly to catch up with them on everything that happened that week and also help Miguel with school work. She now sat on Johnny's couch as she watched him attempt to make Miguel stand. "Yeah, it really is." Scarlett agreed. "What's ridiculous about it?" Johnny turned to her. "He's wearing a harness. He looks like a toddler."

     "The way he's whining and not waking he might as well be one." Johnny looked back at Miguel. "Isn't there a more badass way we can do this?" Miguel asked. "You think tapping your foot at a concert makes you ready for badass training? Your legs are still pussies! Now, are you ready to stand?" "Yes." Miguel sighed. "Okay. One, two...three. Go." Johnny let go of the rope that was holding him up and Miguel fell to the ground.

     "All right. Better fall that time. Let's take five." Johnny announced. "You okay, Mig?" Scarlett asked as she responded to a text from Cleo. "Yeah." Miguel exhaled. Johnny went into the kitchen and Miguel started to scoot over to where Scarlett was. "You know, my mom's been talking about you a lot recently," Miguel mentioned to Johnny. "Oh, yeah?"

     "She says thank you for taking me to that concert." Miguel stopped in front of Johnny's laptop. "She say anything else?" Johnny asked and Miguel shook his head. Scarlett smirked as she started to realize why he was asking so many questions but she didn't say anything.

     Miguel's head turned to look at what Johnny had open on his computer. "Are you writing a novel?" Miguel asked and Scarlett leaned over to see what he was talking about. "Oh. No, it's a Facebook message." Johnny walked back into the living room. "To who?" Scarlett chuckled as Johnny handed her and Miguel sodas.

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