TEN. longing for each other

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TENlonging for each other

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longing for each other

tw: strong language, sexual themes/tension, body image issues, mentions of injury, and mentions of surgery

(season 3, ep 3)

SCARLETT WAS COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS till she was able to visit miguel in the hospital

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SCARLETT WAS COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS till she was able to visit miguel in the hospital. it's been only a few days and scarlett and hawk were going to see him. scarlett was just happy that he was okay and basically jumped out of the car once hawk parked. "okay, calm down." hawk laughed as scarlett got out of the car.

"hurry up before i go in without you!" scarlett complained. hawk turned off the car and stepped out. scarlett started to run out of the parking lot and hawk went after her. "alright, you really need to calm down." hawk caught up to her grabbed her arm.

they walked into the hospital and scarlett quickly walked over to the reception desk. "hi, we're here to see miguel diaz." scarlett gave the lady at the front desk a soft smile. "are either of you family?" her eyes switched between scarlett and hawk. "no." hawk replied.

she started to type on the computer then looked back up at them. "room 502. it's just down that hallway." she pointed at the hall behind her. "thank you." scarlett said before they started to walk down there. miguel's room was pretty much at the end of the hallway and scarlett started to get excited as they got closer.

"el serpiente!" hawk exclaimed as he and scarlett walked up to the door. "hey, mig." scarlett came from behind hawk but her smile fell when she saw Sam standing by his bed. sam took one last look at miguel before she walked out of the room.

"you got some nerve coming here after what your boyfriend did to him." hawk looked over at sam. "i don't care what you think. i just want to help." sam argued. "pretty sure you've done enough, princess." hawk walked into the room and sam switched her eyes over to scarlett. scarlett didn't keep eye contact with her and went in after hawk.

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