TWENTY FOUR. kiss the ghosts of his wounds

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TWENTY FOURkiss the ghosts of his wounds🖇 ❪ tw: strong language, violence, weapon usage, mentions of alcoholism, and mentions of sociopaths ❫

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kiss the ghosts of his wounds
tw: strong language, violence, weapon usage, mentions of alcoholism, and mentions of sociopaths

(season 4, ep 1)
part two

             REDEMPTION IS A TRICKY thing

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REDEMPTION IS A TRICKY thing. No matter how much wrong you've done or how many lives you've punctured, there will be people who forgive you and people who give you a hard time. Most of the time there are more people giving you a hard time. Eli had wounds that were healing and he wanted to show that they were. But even though most people haven't said anything yet, he felt their stares, the deep-rooted hatred. But he was lucky enough to have someone to kiss the ghosts of his wounds. But sometimes it still felt like he'll walk through the world alone.

     It was the next day and Scarlett was currently standing in between Miguel and Eli. "Ready, Bow!" Johnny ordered and they all bowed in unison. "Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel began. "But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny went on.

     "We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing." Daniel admitted. "So, we've discussed it and come up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." Scarlett immediately looked over at Eli in confusion. The whole point of this was to work together and combine styles.

     "Eagle fang trains out front." Johnny gestures towards the front of the dojo. "And I'll be back here with the Miyagi-Do's." Daniel continued. "I thought the whole point of this was that we're stronger working together." Scarlett spoke up. "We're still working together." Daniel nodded at her. "Just separately. On opposite ends of the dojo." Scarlett made a face at Johnny's words. That made absolutely no sense to her. "All right, eagles, follow me!" Johnny instructed.

Kiss With A Fist ♱ Eli Moskowitz Where stories live. Discover now